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Vegas's P.O.V:

I went back to my apartment after I was done giving that guy a ride.

But as I made my way out of the car I noticed another phone on the passenger seat.

The phonecase was cow shaped with a white single bead keychain.

What the hell?

Strange guy...

I took the phone and walked out of the car then headed to the elevator.

I sat down on my desk and started working on an assignment.

After some time I heard muffled sounds coming from the guest bedroom.

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes then stood up and went there.

I pushed the bookcase aside and opened the door then walked into the room.

The window was closed and covered completely with a thick blanket and the door had six locks and a surveillance camera.

The room had a single mattress on the floor and a dirt box.

The mattress had a hole in the middle allowing the chain under it to pass.


The person sitting on top of said mattress in the middle of the room immediately looked up at me.

The blood on his clothes was a dark brown colour now and his clothes were dirty and worn out.

He was clearly afraid so I smiled in amusement.

"What? Who else would it be other then me?" I asked.

He crawled backwards but the chain attached to the collar around his neck said otherwise.

"You must be hungry right? I'll bring you something to eat" I said.

Then closed the door and went to the kitchen and made him some food.

After some time I walked back into the room and put the plate in front of him.

He tried to stand but I tugged at the chain that was strapped to the collar around his neck pulling him down.

He fell to his knees immediately.

"Eat up" I said smiling.

Then knelt down by his side and started caressing his cheek.

He backed away from my touch.

"Don't worry...I didn't poison it" I said.

Then grabbed his chin.

"But you know what?...I might do it if you don't keep it down...So be a good one and keep quiet" I said.

Then stood normally and pushed the plate closer to him with my foot.

"Eat up" I ordered.

Then left the room slamming the door shut behind me.

After some time I walked back into the room and grabbed the empty plate.

Then put three bowls of water in front of him and some soap and towels.

"Clean yourself up" I said.

Then left the room again.

The food I gave him was spiked with sleeping pills so he'll probably sleep right after cleaning up.

So I went to continue working on my assignment before sitting down to watch some TV.

(The next day)

Vegas's P.O.V:

I looked at the surveillance footage of this room and sighed heavily then sipped my wine.

Adam's Apple (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now