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A.N: ⚠️ ⚠️This chapter is going to be a bit scary in case you don't like extreme violent scenes⚠️ ⚠️


Vegas's P.O.V:

I was staying in an abandoned warehouse near the train station.

It took quite some time to set things up again but it was done.

I pulled the man out of the car and threw him to the ground.

Then went over to my bag and took out the handcuffs and tied the man's hands behind his back and fastened them to a pole in the room.

And poured water on top of his head causing him to wake up immediately.

He looked around then his eyes widened as soon as he saw me.

"Ten years ago...You and three other men gang raped a drugged woman causing her death...The three other men died...So it's just you...But that's not the point..." I started.

Then pushed my cigarette on the skin of his neck.

He screamed loudly.

"Why did you do it? You knew she was drugged...You knew she might die...So why didn't you stop?" I asked.

"I...I don't know what...You're talking about" He said in a shaking voice.

I sighed heavily and nodded then took out a picture from my pocket and showed it to him.

"This woman...Do you remember her?" I asked.

He looked at the picture but didn't say anything.

"So you do remember huh?" I asked chuckling.

Then tore open his shirt and went to my bag then grabbed a whip.


Then swung the whip on his back hard causing him to scream.


Then started whipping him repeatedly.

I sighed heavily and brushed my hair back then grabbed an iron stick from the shelves and swung it on his back repeatedly as he continued screaming.

I stopped hitting him and sighed heavily.

"Did you really think that you'll get away with it?" I asked.

"It has been years...Since that happened...Please let me go...I don't want...To die" He said in tears.

"She didn't want to die either...But after that happened to her...None of you came clean to the police with what happened...You covered the whole thing with your influence" I said.

Then chuckled and shook my head.

"But you know what? You should have been more careful...You should have checked if no one was there...You should have killed that child who saw everything...Because now...That child is in front of you" I said smiling.

Then swung the stick on his back again.

"You dare ask me to spare you? You're so shameless...So stupid" I said.

He started sobbing as I laughed at the state he was in.

"I won't let you die that easily...You'll be wishing for death by the time I'm done with you" I said.

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