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Pete's P.O.V:

I went to college and met Porsche and Kinn.

It wasn't class time yet so we sat down to eat.

Time and Tae said that they had to go to their companies and Tem was sick.

Me and Porsche decided to see him later.

"I'm going to buy some food does anyone want anything in particular?" Porsche asked standing up.

"You?" Kinn asked chuckling.

"Eat my foot then you fucker" Porsche retorted.

"A chicken burger is fine" I said.

Then handed him the money and he left.

I sat in awkward silence with Kinn as I tried to figure out how to open this subject.

"What is it?" Kinn asked.

I sighed heavily and nodded to myself.

"This better not be about Vegas again" He said.

I pursed my lips into a thin line and nodded once.

"Pete...For your own good stay away from him ok? He's not someone to fall in love with...He'll hurt you more then you can take" Kinn said.

I stayed silent.

"Wait...Don't tell me that you actually like him" Kinn said.

I shook my head.

"Then what's the problem?" Kinn asked.

"Ummm..." I started but trailed off when I realised that I couldn't really explain that without sounding like a maniac.

I mean how do you explain not being in love with someone but at the same time addicted to what that someone can offer?

Something that I was sure about though is that I won't and will never get that excitement when sleeping with a girl so...

I sighed heavily and ruffled my hair in frustration.

"I don't know" I said.

"Move along then it's better that way" Kinn said.

I opened my mouth to say something but Porsche walked over carrying three boxes of food.

"There...My treat" Porsche said as he handed one of the boxes to Kinn.

Kinn chuckled and shook his head.

"Is that your way of apologising for making me sleep on the sofa?" Kinn teased Porsche.

Porsche smiled then his smile dropped as soon as he raised his middle finger.

That married couple is starting to make me regret my life choices...

"Damn it I forgot to buy the water" Porsche said exasperated.

Then went back to get it.

Kinn opened Porsche's box of food and added more rice from his plate to Porsche's plate.

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