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A.N: ⚠️ ⚠️This chapter is going to be a bit scary in case you don't like extreme violent scenes⚠️ ⚠️


Vegas's P.O.V:

I went to the cafe my father went to and sat down on a table not far from him.

After sometime a girl my age walked over to him and sat down in front of him.

Then busied myself with drinking my coffee.

After some time the girl sitting in front of my father went to order so I stood up and went to order as well.

I heard her saying that my father wanted a sugarless tea.

Then she said that she was going to the bathroom.

After sometime the waiter was done making the tea.

"I'll take it to him...He's my father" I said smiling.

I turned and saw that my father was also busy talking on the phone.

I walked over to his table and put the drink down and left before he could notice.

Then went back to my table and sat down to watch.

After some time my father stood up and went to the restroom so I stood up and followed him.

"Pass the soap" He said.

I handed it to him.

But before he could take it I pushed a sedating injection down his forearm.

"Hello there...Dad" I said smiling behind my mask.

His eyes widened and he tried to leave but the sedative along with the laxative pill I put in his drink made him fall to the floor.

I sighed heavily then leaned closer to his face.

"Why do they always try to run when it's useless?" I asked.

He opened his mouth to say something.

I took his hands and pulled him to his feet.

"Don't worry...I'll take you home...Did you say bye to your girlfriend? Because I don't think you'll see her again" I said.

Then went to my car and pushed him inside then started driving.

After some time we arrived at my apartment.

I picked up an axe.

"You know father...The most important thing for business men is their fingers...For signing contracts and deals I mean" I said smiling.

Then turned to him and raised up the axe.

"Don't you think so too?" I asked.

Then swung the axe down on his finger cutting off a finger tip.

He screamed in pain.

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