Special Chapter (5)

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A.N: Here's Kinn and Porsche's first meeting you all 🤣🤣.


Porsche's P.O.V:

I was serving drinks at the bar when a guy with black hair and thick eyebrows sat down on the counter in front of me and put some money on the counter.

"Give me your strangest drink anything is fine" He said.

I frowned in confusion.

Oh fuck it whatever it's not like this is any of my business anyway.

I started mixing the drink then gave it to him.

"Here you go" I said.

He nodded and started drinking it in one gulp.

My eyes widened and my mouth hung open as I watched him down the alcoholic drink as if it was water.

"Another" He said as soon as he slammed the glass down on the counter.

"Are you sure? This drink is a bit strong" I said.

He nodded hurriedly.

"Yeah yeah I know I want another one now" He said.

I looked at him skeptically.

"Oh come on...I came here to drink ok?" He asked.

"Alright fine you know what? I already warned you it's not my problem" I said.

Then made him three more shots.

He gulped them one by one.

"Another another another" He said as he slammed the counter with his hand repeatedly.

"Ok...I think you should calm down a bit ok? You're obviously drunk" I said.

He shook his head.

"No I'm not drunk just give me another drink" He said.

"Ummm..." I started.

Then looked around the place in attempt to find anyone who came with him.

But apparently he came alone.

"Another" He said as he raised up his glass.

"Last one ok?" I asked.

Then made him another one.

Which was a terrible mistake...

The guy put his glass down and raised a finger to my face and chuckled before his head fell to the counter.

He looked up immediately and smiled as he pinched my cheeks.

"You Ave...Shuch quish quash cheekies" He said drunkly.

I made him sit back down then removed his hands off my cheeks.

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