Special Chapter (4)

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A.N: This chapter is the first meeting between Porsche and the man who ordered his kidnapping.


Porsche's P.O.V:

Kinn wanted to visit his family's house today since it was a weekend and he wanted to introduce me to his father and his business partner.

I already met his brothers but this was the first time for me to meet his dad.

Kinn was already there since he was telling the servants to make everything perfect.

I sure hope I won't make a complete fool of myself because that will be really embarrassing.

I stood in front of the door and checked my clothes and if I smelt fine then finally rang the bell.

Kinn was the one who opened the door.

He smiled and gave a hug.

"I'm glad you could make it...Come on everyone is waiting" He said.

I nodded and followed him into the house.

It was a rather big house so it was no surprise that the interior looked so lavish.

Kinn held my hand and smiled at me.

"Come on there's no need to be nervous ok?" He asked.

I nodded again.

Then we stopped walking in front of yet another big room.

The dining room obviously since it was filled to the rim with delicious looking food.

I looked around the table and saw Kinn's two brothers and his father all sitting around the table.

"Well...Dad this is Porsche my boyfriend whom I was telling you about" Kinn said.

I waiied politely.

"Nice to meet you mr Korn" I said.

"Likewise nong have a seat and make yourself at home we were just about to have dinner" He said.

I nodded and sat down.

I couldn't recognise any of these dishes though so I guessed that they were foreign cuisine or something.

I still couldn't get over the fact that Kinn's little brother is dating my little brother but I suppose that birds of feather flock together or something.

That of course if I don't kill him if he ever hurts my little brother.

"So nong Porsche...Kinn told me that you're a bartender" His father said.

"That's true mr Korn...I've been working as a tender since I came here for college" I said.

"You're not from here?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'm originally from Chumpon my parents own a small business there but I came here to finish my studies" I said.

The man nodded.

"This sounds really interesting I bet that you get to meet a lot of people there" Tankul said chuckling.

I smiled and nodded.

"It's actually quite fun maybe I can show you around sometime" I said.

"I'd love to" He said chuckling.

Then the servants started distributing the food.

"So...What kind of..." Mr Korn started.

But a servant said something in his ear.

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