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Vegas's P.O.V:

I walked over to the bench at the park then sat down.

After some time a puppy ran over to me.

Then a little girl followed it.

"Why are you wearing a mask P?" She asked.

"It's because I have the flu and it's contagious" I said chuckling.

She nodded then took her puppy which was barking at me loudly.

"Sorry to bother you P" She said.

"Prem where are you?" Another voice asked.

Then a girl my age walked over to the little one with the puppy.

"P my puppy ran off" The little girl said.

The older one waiied politely to me before leaving with the little girl.

I followed the two girls with my eyes until an older man walked over to them.

The little girl laughed and hugged his legs while the older one smiled at him brightly.

Their father?

I stood up and decided to leave since I was hungry.

I found a stand that sold fishsticks so I decided to buy some.

"Twenty fishsticks and five corndogs" The man from earlier said smiling.

"Six fishsticks" I said to the seller.

The man gave us our orders.

The man sighed heavily.

"I don't have any change" He said chuckling awkwardly.

The seller glared at him in annoyance.

"It's ok...I'll pay for him" I said.

The man turned to me.

"You can pay me later" I said.

"I don't think that's..." The man started.

"Oh...But you already ordered the food...It's alright you can pay me later" I said smiling behind my mask.

The man sighed heavily and nodded.

"Thank you young man" He said smiling.

Then I took my food and left.

I followed the man with my eyes as he walked over to his daughters.

Then he pointed at me and the older girl walked over to me smiling.

I frowned in confusion.

"My father wants you to have this" She said.

Then gave me a watch and a paper that had a phone number.

I nodded and waiied at the man politely before putting the things in my pocket.

After that I went home.

I stopped by the pharmacy and bought some sleeping pills.

Then went home and showered before going to watch TV while drinking some wine.

My phone started ringing.

I saw that it was Kinn so I decided to just let it ring out but it didn't stop ringing.

So I picked it up to get this over with.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Where are you? We need to talk" He said.

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