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Pete's P.O.V:

It has been four days and Vegas still hasn't returned.

I was watching the news to check if he got caught but there's nothing about it at all...

Which means that he might have made it out but what happened after that?

I bit my nails nervously because I didn't like this one bit.

Then I finally made my decision.

I went to his room and took down the fourth picture.

Then put on a hat and a face mask then left the apartment complex.

I went to the nearest cafe and asked for a cup of plain coffee and the Internet password then googled the information about the fourth person.

The fourth person has one house here and another one in Hua Hin.

The news said nothing about him leaving Bangkok so he's still here for sure.

I paid for the coffee and left the place.

I went back to the apartment and took one of the knives Vegas kept in that room and opened the drawer and took out the two guns then loaded them and took some bandages just in case.

Then left the apartment and locked the door behind me.

I went to the bus station and took the bus to the city center then got off and continued my way on foot.

It was still early morning so there wasn't much traffic.

I passed by a police car so I lowered the hat to cover my face better.

I finally managed to find the right house because it had a few police cars in front of it but I still needed to find Vegas.

He must be hiding at a hotel near here...But which one is it?

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my thoughts.

Alright...Chance says that the target has so many guards since he's a business man...So in case of injuries...

Vegas must be in the one closest to the house.

I went to the first hotel I found and knocked on the first two rooms from the first floor but it wasn't him.

I knocked on the door of the third room but the door didn't open.

I noticed that there was blood on the floor near the door so I stopped knocking and took out the knife and played with doorknob until it finally opened.

I went into the room hurriedly and closed the door behind me.

A knife was raised to my neck immediately as soon as I walked in.

"Don't move or I'll cut you" Vegas said in a weak pained voice.

"It's me...It's just me" I said.

He let go of the knife and slumped on the sofa with a grunt.

I went over to him immediately.

Adam's Apple (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now