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Kim's P.O.V:

I went to my father's house when he suddenly asked to see me.

The workers at the house greeted me and I made my way to the office.

My father and uncle were talking when I opened the door.

Then my father turned to me.

"Dad" I said.

"Kim...You have to answer my question now...How did you know what Kan did? Did you tell anyone else?" My father asked.

"Why did you ask me to come here? Is there any reason for us to meet?" I asked.

"Kim just answer the question...Aside from Kinn did you tell anyone about this?" My uncle asked.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What? Are you afraid of Vegas's reaction? I wonder what he'll do when he discovers that you sold him and your wife for money?" I asked.

"KIM" My father said angrily.

"Are you going to say that it was all for us? I don't believe that...You don't believe that...You knew from the start that this is wrong...You shouldn't have agreed to that deal uncle...You shouldn't have covered for him dad" I said angrily.

Then sighed heavily and brushed my hair back.

"Now what? Where are the children you build all of this for? I wonder what's the point of building this business when you couldn't even keep your family" I said.

"I think I've heard enough" A voice said from behind me.

I turned and saw another man right behind me.

"Such a shame Korn...You had such a beautiful son" He said.

I pushed the man away from the door and ran away as fast as I could.

I made it to the car and drove away from the house as fast as I could.

Then another came over and hit mine causing it to fall off the bridge and down the hill.

(A week later)

Porsche's P.O.V:

I was at the pier when Kinn walked over to me.

"What now?" I asked.

"I have a surprise for you" He said.

I sighed heavily and nodded then he took my hand and walked me away from the water and over to the shore.

I saw three guys standing there one of them looked to be a first year in college or something.

"Those are your friends...Tem and Jom...And this is your brother Porchay" Kinn said.

I looked at the three guys with a frown then shook my head.

The youngest one hugged me and started crying on my shoulder.

And the two other guys looked at us sadly as if they wanted to say something but couldn't.

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