Special Chapter (3)

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Vegas's P.O.V:

I took a glass of water and poured it on the man's face.

He woke up and started crying immediately.

"Keep quiet" I said.

Then put the plate of food down in front of him.

"Eat" I said.

He crawled over to the plate hurriedly and started eating the soup like a dog even it was too hot.

I shoved his head down the hot plate of soup and he started squirming in obvious discomfort.

"It's good isn't it?" I asked smiling.

Then grabbed his hair and tugged his head back.

"Do you like being treated like a dog now?" I asked.

He stayed silent but I could easily tell that he was afraid.

"No need to be scared...After all...I'm being friendly enough to offer you food aren't I?" I asked.

"Please...Let me go" He said in tears.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Why would I?" I asked.

Then stood up and tugged at the chain which was around his neck to pull him back.

He fell backwards and his head hit the mattress he was sleeping on.

I stepped on his chest and leaned closer to his face.

"Remember my face and get used to seeing it because you won't see anything or anyone else from now on" I said.

Then removed my foot and walked over to the metallic pipe I kept in the corner of the room.

Then grabbed the chain and pulled it up then hung it to a hook dangling from the ceiling.

The man squirmed and begged.

I swung the pipe down on his back as he screamed his lungs out.

Then left the room when he fell unconscious.

I closed the door and locked it then pushed the bookcase in front of the door.

I went to make myself something to eat but noticed that I was running out of groceries.

I put on my street clothes to leave the apartment.

Then took the elevator to the ground floor.

"Hey...I was wondering if you have delivery service here" I said.

"Yes we do...What can I do to help you?" The landlady asked.

So I told her about the groceries I wanted.

"I'm kind of late for an appointment right now so I'm requesting the delivery myself...You can add the bill to the room renting fees" I said smiling.

"Alright you don't have to worry" She said.

I thanked her before leaving.

Then went to meet Kinn.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked as soon as I sat down in front of him.

"Porsche's birthday is around the corner so I wanted to invite you in person" He said.

I took out a cigarette and lit it then raised it to my lips.

"Who's Porsche?" I asked.

"My boyfriend" He said smiling excitedly.

I raised an eyebrow in amusement then let the smoke out.

Adam's Apple (VegasPete)Where stories live. Discover now