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Kinn's P.O.V:

I walked into the room with my brothers and we sat down.

Today was our meeting with the shop and land owners where we sold our products.

"Alright then...This is the last meeting for us as shareholders in this company...We can start talking about your demands right now" I said.

"Your family caused a lot of damage do you think that can be solved with money? What about the tea boxes we bought from your company? And the money we spent on it? How am I going to sell those?" One of the shop owners asked.

I sighed heavily and nodded to myself.

"We discussed a plan for that...Which is changing the label and brand name...We'll take the tea we sold to you and refund half the money you spent on buying our product...When we're done changing the brand name we'll return the product we took and sell it as a brand new thing" I said.

Arm distributed the files that had the plan on the business holders.

"Those files have further details into our plan...The business will be dissolved after the product is completely sold...Like usual we're going to give you your percent from the profits and compensate the rest of the money after closing the factories" I said.

"What if the people like the new brand?" Another one asked.

"That depends on the quality of the work of course...If the people like the new brand then I don't see why it shouldn't continue...We'll have to wait though either way everyone of you will get the proper compensation and I apologise for the distress my family caused" I said.

The elders seemed satisfied with what I proposed.

"Fine then...Let's wait and see" One of them said.

"We'll contact you soon to tell you more about the plan...If you have any other questions go ahead and ask right away" Tankul said.

"When are you going to take back the product?" The first one asked.

"Whenever you decide" Tankul said.

They didn't have any other questions after that.

"The files in front of you has detailed information about the entire deal...Including the advertising plan and the new prices...If the plan succeeds we'll proceed with how things were before" Kim said.

They started looking through the files.

"Of course you have the liberty to call off the agreement if you wish it" Tankul said.

"I'll give you a week to think about it before our next meeting...During that week we'll withdraw the products from the markets and restart it" I said.

"Do you have workers for this plan?" One of them asked.

I nodded.

"Yes I do" I said.

"Alright then I guess we'll meet again after a week" One of them said.

I smiled and nodded and extended my hand for a shake.

Then the meeting was over.

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