Special Chapter (2)

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Porsche's P.O.V:

I was in the college canteen with my friends.

It was my turn to go order the food today.

"I'll have some cheese and bscon noodles" Pete said.

"What about you?" I asked Tem.

"A chicken sandwich with mayonnaise is fine" He said shrugging.

Then they gave me the money and I went to bring the food.

They walked over to me and took their food.

"There's an empty table over there" Tem said then pointed out one.

We sat down on one of the tables and started eating when I got another message notification.

I took my phone out and checked the message.

"How does it feel like eating leftovers?" The message said.

Then another one followed right after.

"You're just taking my place...Did you know I picked the furniture myself?" The other one said.

I turned off the phone and put it back in my pocket then pushed the plate of food aside.

"What's wrong?" Tem asked as he munched on his sandwich.

"Nothing I just lost my appetite I don't feel like eating anymore" I said.

Pete and Tem looked at each other.

"Really? But roasted pork belly is your favourite" Pete said.

I shook my head.

"I'm going to the restroom then to the library to get the notes I missed I'll see you guys in class" I said.

Then stood up and left.

I took out my phone and called the customer service to track down the spam number.

After sometime I finally got the name.

I rolled my eyes.

I should have known that it's freaking Tawan.

That darn asshole.

I opened his Facebook profile and scrolled down through his chat.

One of those message mentioned Kinn.

I opened that message and found a scan link so I went back to Pete and Tem.

"Hey Pete let me borrow your phone" I said.

He nodded and gave it to me.

I scanned the code then took a screenshot and sent it to my phone.

"What's wrong?" Pete asked.

"Nothing...I don't feel well...I'm skipping the rest of the day I'll see you guys tomorrow" I said.

Then went to the bus stop.

After a while I stopped in front of my destination.

I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open.

"Hello...How can I help you?" The guy who opened the door asked.

"Does someone called Tawan live here?" I asked.

"Yes he's my older brother" The guy said.

I nodded.

"Can you call him?" I asked.

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