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Pete's P.O.V:

I sat down on one of the chairs.

"I'm sorry what?" The officer in front of me asked.

"I said I want to change my statement" I said.

The officer looked at me then Vegas.

"Detective Top is in charge of the case right? I have important information to tell him" I said.

The officer called the detective who told us to come in.

Me and Vegas went into the room first.

"Alright then...The officer told me you have new information on the case...Do tell" The detective said.

I nodded.

Then he took out his recorder and put it on the desk.

"Questioning witness Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham...First question...Did you see Vegas Kornwit Theerapanyakul killing any of the victims?" Detective Top asked.

"No...I didn't" I said.

"Then how come you reported him to the police?" He asked.

"I just assumed things because of his roommate" I said.

"A roommate?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Yes...Tawan was his roommate...They both lived in my grandmother's building before all of this started" I said.

"Then how come you never told us about Tawan before?" He asked.

"Whenever I came to get the rent money it was Vegas who opened the door for me...Tawan only used the room rarely...But I did see him around the premises and the neighbourhood a few times...Sometimes at the mall or the grocery shops around the building" I said.

"Why didn't you tell us that before?" He asked.

"I thought nothing of it at first and I thought Tawan had somewhere else to go since he didn't stop by much" I said.

"What made you think that Vegas was the murderer then?" He asked.

"As I said in my previous statement...I usually heard strange voices coming from their apartment...I got curious about what was going so I waited until they were both out and opened the door...I found a dead body in there...And so I reported Vegas thinking it was him because he was the actual user of the apartment" I said.

The detective nodded.

"Then you're saying that Tawan tried to blame it on Vegas?" He asked.

"Yes" I said.

"And why did you run away instead of coming clean about it?" He asked.

"I caused an unintentional problem so it's only natural that I solve it myself right? I was trying to help Vegas clear his name" I said.

The detective nodded.

"Then do you have evidence for what you just said?" He asked.

"The surveillance footage in my apartment...Tawan used my apartment since Vegas's apartment was still under investigation...That's where I was kidnapped and then the police found me because Praew called the police" I said.

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