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A.N: This is an AU so Kinn and Vegas are close in this universe.

If you don't like it then don't read it.

Bye 👋

Vegas's P.O.V:

I've known that for quite a long time now.

The worst type of pain you can inflict on someone is the pain of humiliation...

The shame of being so weak and helpless and in pain as someone else took advantage of your weakness...Is that humiliation I was talking about.

I looked at Pete as he writhed in pain and this exciting feeling came back to me.

And I immediately had a good idea to make him even more humiliated.

"Suck and I'll let you go" I said.

Then let go of him.

He pursed his lips into a thin line so I raised an eyebrow.

"You don't want to? If that's the case then..." I started.

But he took it into his mouth immediately and started moving his tongue on it.

I was taken by surprise because I thought he'd put up more of a fight.

Why wasn't he fighting?

I sighed heavily and pushed his head back then stood up and put my pants back on.

"You're nothing but a dog" I said.

Then took my chain back freeing his hands which had thin lines on them from struggling with the ties.

He removed the ring and hugged his knees.

But he wasn't crying he just sat there hugging his knees.

I sighed heavily and nodded to myself then decided to just leave.

Pete's P.O.V:

I heard the door opening and closing so I guessed that he left.

I stood up on shaking feet and grabbed my clothes from the floor then went to shower.

My wrists had marks on them and my shoulder had a bruise.

I started scrubbing my skin with soap.

After some time I was done and left the room.

He called me a dog but what was he really thinking?

I sighed heavily and ruffled my hair in frustration.

Whatever that thing he was thinking about...It clearly wasn't and will most likely never be me.

I closed my eyes and hugged the bolster tightly and decided to just sleep.

But I still couldn't stop myself from thinking about him.

Maybe I am just a dog after all.

(The next day)

Vegas's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock then went to make some food for my guest.

I put the plate of food in front of him and he immediately started eating greedily.

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