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A.N: I want to kill the fucker who taught my mother how to use Facebook.

She posted more of my baby pics are all over her profile and I'm angry😡.

Anyway this book is almost over.

Bye 👋 👋


Kinn's P.O.V:

We were in the police station.

Porsche gave the detective his testimony and the casino worker we caught was getting questioned.

"I said I don't know anything" The worker said.

Detective Top punched him in the face.

"I'm not going to ask again...Where did your boss take the victims?" Detective Top asked angrily.

There was a knock on the door and an officer walked into the room.

"There's a man waiting outside asking for permission to come in sir" The officer said.

Detective Top let him in.

Then a middle aged man walked into the room with a little girl of about five with him.

"I came here to report my husband...My oldest daughter overheard a conversation between him and some business associate...I didn't believe her at first but now that she disappeared I decided to tell you this...Please help me find my daughter" The man said.

"Can you show me your identity card?" Detective Top asked.

The man nodded but before he could take it out he pointed at the casino worker.

"That man...I saw him around my husband a few times" The man said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"By any chance...Is your oldest daughter's name...Praew?" Porsche asked.

The man nodded.

"Yes...Do you know where she went? Please tell me what you know" The man said to Porsche.

Porsche shook his head.

"I'm sorry I don't know where she went" Porsche said.

The man looked hurt and sad so Porsche patted his shoulder.

After some time the officer took the casino worker to a cell.

"I have some evidence...There's a safe in our house...I think you'll find something important if you search it" The man said.

"I'll ask for a warrant then...For the time being be careful of your husband he doesn't seem like someone with a stable mindset" Detective Top said.

"He left the house for a while now...My daughter said that she overheard him talking about a casino with forced sex services" The man said.

"Where's the pack up place? Do you know?" Detective Top asked.

"I think it's in Hat Lek...I don't know where exactly but he goes there often" The man said.

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