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A.N: I know it's not necessary but I choose Milk Pansa as a face claim for Praew.


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Kinn's P.O.V:

I took our father to the police station.

If I want to get to the bottom of this I must do it the right way.

My father needs to get questioning and answer for his own crimes the right way.

I sat down in front of detective Top to talk to him about the case.

"Ten years ago...My father and my uncle took a huge loan from a casino owner to start their tea business...I know for sure that the casino is doing suspicious work...I know someone who almost got forced to work there...He barely managed to escape...I don't know the location for sure but I think it's near the borders of Thailand" I said.

Detective Top nodded and wrote it down.

"My father might know something about it" I said.

"Thank you for your cooperation mr Kinn...I'll do my best" He said.

I nodded.

Then went back to my apartment.

When I walked in I was surprised when someone suddenly hugged me.

I smiled to myself when I recognised Porsche.

"Are you alright? What happened?" He asked.

"I'm fine" I said.

He nodded and gave me another hug.

"I was so worried" He mumbled.

I hugged him back.

"I'm sorry for making you worry" I said.

"I'll testify then we should go to Chumpon together ok?" He asked.

I pulled away from the hug then shook my head and took a step back.

He frowned in obvious confusion and looked hurt.

"I can't leave without my cousin...Not after all he went through...I'm really sorry Porsche but I'm not going anywhere until he shows himself" I said.

Porsche sighed heavily and nodded.

"I was wrong to take sides from the start when I clearly want both...So I won't take sides and I'll do my best to get this over with" I said.

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