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Porsche's P.O.V:

"Alright then miss Praew Pinara Rattakul...Shall we start?" Mr Tine asked smiling brightly.

Kinn leaned closer to my ear.

"Who's that?" He asked.

"Pete's ex girlfriend" I said.

He looked at me shocked then turned to his little brother.

"Did you find her?" He asked Kim.

Kim shook his head.

"She came on her own" Kim said.

Praew walked over to the judge and took back her identity card then went over to stand in front of mr Tine.

"Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" The judge asked.

"I do" She said.

"Alright then miss Pinara will you tell us exactly what you know" Mr Tine asked.

"Mr Damrong was my step father...He wasn't what he seemed like on the outside...He told my father that he gained his fortune from a successful tourism company but the truth was that he owned a casino that offered sexual services to business leaders...He kidnapped most of those workers and forced them into this kind of work using drugs to make them lose their ability to move and prevent them from escaping" She said.

"And how did you know that miss Pinara?" Mr Tine asked.

"I overheard him talking about another kidnap...To mr Porsche Pachara Kittisawasd" She said.

Then took out her phone and put it on the table in front of her.

"I have a recording of his conversation to prove my claim" She said.

"Objection...Mr Tine is straying from the current matter...The subject of investigation here is mr Korn not mr Damrong" Mr Korn's lawyer said.

"Mr Teepakorn make your point clearer if you please" The judge said.

"The two cases are related...I mean...The current case is about mr Korn's involvement in this illegal work...And mr Damrong was the owner of this illegal work correct? So if my client says that mr Pachara was kidnapped some time after meeting mr Korn then doesn't that raise any suspicion?" Mr Tine asked.

The judge looked convinced.

Mr Tine turned to Praew again.

"Miss Pinara...You said that your step father had a tourism company which means that he must have owned a lot of successful hotels in and out of Thailand correct?" Mr Tine asked.

"That's correct" She said.

"Then you're saying that your step father had a lot of connections with other business men because of his success am I right?" Mr Tine asked.

"Yes" She said.

"Thank you miss Pinara" Mr Tine said.

"Mr Teepakorn I still fail to see your point" The judge said.

"I think my point is clear your grace...I mean...If mr Damrong's business was tourism to attract business men for sex services and other thrills in his casino...And mr Korn still denies direct involvement in his business then what exactly was he involved with? Inflicting forced sex on the kidnapped victims?...And if mr Pachara here said that he was kidnapped and almost sold for prostitution some time after meeting mr Korn then doesn't that mean that mr Korn and mr Damrong were in it together?" Mr Tine asked.

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