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A.N: Happy feast of sacrifice to all the fellow Muslims out there I hope you have a good holiday.

Kinn's P.O.V:

With the help of the police and the information my father gave out during the questioning along with Kim's connections we managed to find one of the workers at the casino.

I knocked on the door to his apartment.

So he opened and Porsche punched his nose as soon as he did causing the guy to fall to the floor.

"Porsche wait" I said.

Then tried to pull Porsche away from him.

"He's one of the bastards who attacked me that night" Porsche said angrily.

"Porsche calm down we have to take him to the police" I said.

Porsche sighed heavily and nodded then stood normally.

But grabbed the guy's collar and pulled him to his feet.

"You're going to the police with us...If you try anything funny I'll kick your ass you bastard" Porsche said.

"Just tell us what you know about that casino...Where are the other workers?" I asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about" He said.

"You bastard...We already know that the casino offers prostitution...Tell us what else do you know" Porsche said angrily.

Then punched him again.

"Let go of me are you crazy?" The guy yelled angrily.

"You...You and your friends stabbed my friend and kidnapped me...You think this is crazy? You haven't seen crazy yet" Porsche said.

Then punched him again.

"TELL US WHAT YOU KNOW" Porsche yelled then punched the guy again.

The guy's face had blood and bruises and his lip was busted.


The guy was unconscious by the time I managed to drag Porsche off of him.

"Let's just take him to the police...I'm sure he knows something...Just leave it to the police ok? Calm down" I said.

He sighed heavily and nodded.

Then I called the police.

The guy woke up and ran over to the door.

Porsche quickly ran after him and grabbed him before he could leave.

Then punched him again causing him to fall back to the floor.

After some time the police came in and took him away.

Porsche sighed heavily.

"Do you think this will work?" Porsche asked.

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