Chapter 02(M)

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Its already 2 in the afternoon but Jennie is still sitting in her couch looking at nowhere, she skip her lunch beacuse she's busy thinking about what happened earlier, she's hurt of how Lisa acted, but she's more hurt of what she saw.

Jennie POV.
(After Lisa left that morning)

After Lisa left in my house, I hurriedly went to my room and change to my sweat pants and hoodie, I wear a cap and facemask. I run outside and immediately drove away to follow her, I didn't mean to be like a creepy stalker, but I think Lisa is hiding something, this isn't the first I witnessed her acting like that.

I saw Lisa's car parked at the back of a restaurant, hmmm I smell something fishy. She went inside and I followed her without her knowing.

What I saw made my heart broke into pieces, I saw her kissed a guy, I can't recognize him coz I'm facing his back, but when she guide lisa to sit, I saw him, He's Jeon Jungkook from BTS. They look happy talking to each other, and my heart can't take it anymore so I left the restaurant immediately and went back to my house.

"You're late Jennie." I said to myself and sigh. I've been crying myself out for 2 hours.

I remember we're going to have a dinner later, "its still 4pm, I still have time to sleep" I said and drifted.

I woke up because of my phone ringing nonstop, "I swear to god Im going to kill who's calling, this bitch just ruined my sleep." I said gritting  my teeth because of annoyance. When I saw who's calling, its Jisoo unnie, so I answered right away.

"Hello unnie, what's up?" I said, Im still sleepy for pete sake, "hello to you too Jennie Kim" Jisoo unnie said sarcastically, she barely call me by my name, she often call me Jen or Jendeukie so Im wondering what's wrong. "What's wrong unnie?" I said and I got startled when she yelled over the phone, "Do you know what time is it Jennie Kim!!??" She said angrily, "ohh ahmm its 7:45pm why?" I said, "and unnie stop yelling please, you're to small to be loud" I said and laugh. "You better get up, and go here you little piece of shit, or else Im going to kill you, we've been waiting for 1 hour, and Chaeyoung is complaining because she's hungry!!!" She said I jolted out of my bed and immediately went to my bathroom. Fuck how can I forget about the dinner shit shit shit Im doomed.

In just 10 minutes, I arrived at the restaurant, it was a 30 minutes drive, but Im in a rush or else Jisoo unnie will kill me for sure. I went inside the restaurant and one of the stuff lead me to the VIP room.

I peek inside the room and there they are, sitting with an angry face especially Jisoo unnie and Chaeyoung. "Sorry" I said and smile at them with a peace sign, Jisoo unnie just rolled her eyes and Rosie glared at me, I just laugh at them. I greeted them with hugs and kiss their cheek, but I just hug Lisa and smile at her timidly, I feel awkward around her.

Our foods arrived and we started eating, they were talking about something I don't know, I was just eating silently when Jisoo unnie ask me something, "Jen are you okay? Why so quiet?" She said, and I just smile at her and said "Im okay unnie, Im just sleepy I guess, you disturbed my sleep just in case you forgot" I said and glared at her playfully but she just laugh at me. "Lisa, where did you go this lunch time? I went to your condo but you're not there." Rosé asked, I look at Lisa but what she said made me mad, "Oh 'bout that my manager called me to discuss something and we went to eat lunch together." She said and continue eating her foods.

"Fucking great" I said nonchalantly  and they all look at me with confusion written on their face, "why?" I said. "Are you jealous that Lisa went to eat lunch with her manager?" Chu said that made me choke on my food, Rosie offered me some water "what the fuck are you talking about chu!?" I said "why would I be jealous, its not like me and Lisa are dating, right Lis?" I said and she nodded immediately.

"Who knows, maybe Lisa is dating someone." I said randomly that made Lisa choke on her food, she look at me nervously and I just stared at her and shrug my shoulder. "Whattt!? Wa...what are you talking about, I.. I'm not dating someone Jennie" she said nervously, "if you say so" I said and smile a bit.

Damn, why does she have to hide it? It hurts knowing that she's lying, it hurts because I think she doesn't want us to know, I'm hurt knowing that she love someone else, fuck! I need a drink, I can't take it anymore.

"Uhm, Hey guys I need to go" I said and stand up, "Come on, its too early" Rosie said "Yes Jendeukie, 9pm is too early to go home." Jisoo unnie said, "Im sorry unnie, Im tired, and I want to sleep already." I said and they agreed, I hug them and went outside.

I went to the nearest bar to have a drink. The bar is crowded already, some couples are making out at the corner, dancing, and grinding to each other. I went to the counter and ordered a beer, I took off my facemask, I think the people here are too drunk to recognize me I said in my mind. Its my 9th bottle of beer and Im tipsy, its already 12am. I ordered a tequila and the bartender told me that Im drunk already, so I yelled at him telling him Im not drunk, the alcohol is controlling my body, I just found myself dancing in the middle of the crowed with a sexy girl, she's grinding at my now rock hard cock, and Im holding her waist tightly, "you're so hot, lets go to the restroom." The girl said, and I just let her drag me, Im no longer on my right mind. We went inside the restroom and locked it and she unbuckled my belt and push my pants and boxer down freeing my 10 inches rock hard shaft.

She went to her knees pumping my cock slowly that made me groan in pleasure "fuck slut, stop teasing and suck me already!" I said gritting my teeth, she lick my slit and I moan "uhhmm fuck!" She suck my cock deeper and faster bobbing her head back and forth while she's playing with my balls, her gag reflex amaze me. "Fu..fuck Im close..." I said and I thrust my cock faster and harder in her mouth until I cummed, this bitch just swallowed all my cum damn.

I made her stand and ripped her underwear, "Now get on all fours and face the mirror, I'm going to fuck the hell out of you." I demanded.

"Yes daddy" this slut really. Fuckk

I position myself and inserted my big cock without any hesitation to her pussy.

"Ahmm fuck.." she groaned.

I started fucking her fast and hard and she's screaming like a wolf, I fuck her rough, deeper, harder and faster, I feel my dick twitch inside her and I know she's also near because she keeps on clenching my cock and its getting hard for me to move.

I slap her ass and she hissed "ahh, shitt shit, fuck you're so big, fuck me like there's no tomorrow daddy." She said and I groaned.

"Are you on your pill?" I ask her and she nodded, "fill me with your cum daddy, cum inside me."

I thrust faster and harder, "ahhh fuck I'm cumminggg!!" I said and in one last hard thrust, I shoot my cum inside her pussy. I thrust slowly emptying my self.

And when I calm down from my high, I pulled my now semi hard cock, I clean myself first and tuck my dick inside my boxer.

After an hour of fucking, we went out to the restroom when someone just punch me on my beautiful face, "Fuck!" I said groaning, "who told you to fuck my girlfriend you bitch!!!" The boy said and punch me again and again and again until the guard stop him. Fuck, that slut do have a boyfriend but she fuck with me, shit she's disgusting.

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