Chapter 04

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11 in the morning, but the two crackheads is still sleeping. Their sleep got interrupted when both of their phone is ringing nonstop, Jennie kick Jisoo's ass telling her to answer her phone, but Jisoo being Jisoo, she kick Jennie back, but harder causing Jennie to fall from her bed, her head bump into her bedside table and her butt landed on the floor, she's groaning because of pain. After she recovered from the pain, and the ringing of their phone didn't stop, she answered her phone when she saw its their manager.

"What is it oppa? Its still early ffs." She said sleepy, what her manager told her made her fully awake, "get your ass up Jennie and go here in the office, the CEO wants to talk the four of you." Their manager said and hang up.

Jennie POV.

I shook Jisoo unnie to wake her up but this bitch keeps on telling me to fuck off, seems like she's not going to wake up anytime soon, I smirk when I realized that this is my chance for my revenge. "You ask for this, Chu, I don't have a choice." I said and grin. I went downstairs and open my fridge to get some ice, "I should film this hehe" I said to myself while laughing. When I got all I need, I hurriedly went back to my room and go to the bathroom to get some water.

"Chu, aren't you going to wake up still?" I ask, I saw her shake her head, and said "okay you leave me no choice" I said and I start filming her, I went to her side and pulled the blanket then booommm!!!

"Arghhhhhh..." Fuck fuck fuck!!!" Too cold too cold" "Mommyyyyyy" she's yelling like someone is raping her, and I was on her side laughing my ass off "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA YOU LOOK LIKE BIRD UNNIE HAHAHAHA" 

"FUCK YOU! YOU BITCH COME HERE!!!" she said angrily and I run out of my room, fuck this chicken head. She keeps on chasing me not until we heard the my doorbell rang.

I opened the door and we saw my manager and Jisoo's manager telling us to get ready because we're going to the company, we ask why but they yelled at us to get ready already that's why we hurriedly went back to my room and change.

We're now on our way to the company, and no one's talking that's why I broke it and ask "what's wrong oppa? is it really urgent?" I said and he sigh shaking his head, "Lisa is in trouble." Oppa said and I got shocked of what he said, "wa..what? Pardon?" I said stuttering, "you heard me right Jennie, Lisa is in trouble." He said seriously and I didn't ask more cause Im now lost in my thoughts.

Jennie's manager POV.

Earlier this morning, I received a call from the office telling me to call Jennie and the other members I ask why and said they are going to send it to me through email. After a minute I received an email from the office.

I got shocked of what I saw, its Lisa, she's making out with a guy named Jungkook from BTS. The image spread really fast, articles about Lisa and Jungkook is everywhere. Honestly speaking, I don't care about this, all I care is Jennie's feelings, yeah I know that Jennie is in love with Lisa, she told me about it 5 years ago. I don't know how am I going to explain this to Jennie, Im afraid that she might go back to the old Jennie again. I don't want to see the quiet Jennie, the cold Jennie, and the least I want her to do is to be a Fuckgirl again. Yeah, you heard it right, Jennie was a fuck girl before, even the members knew it, but she stopped doing it when she realize she's in love with Lisa. Who knows that the notorious fuck girl of kpop is in love with the one and only Lalisa Manoban.

I didn't believe her at first, but as the time goes by, she didn't really fuck another woman again, she did stop doing one night stand. Jennie is the kind of person you won't imagine going to settle down, she don't believe in love not until she met Lisa, yeah Lisa changed her for the better, but after this rumors? I don't know anymore.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when the driver said we're here, I went outside first before Jennie and Jisoo, we are on our way to the CEO's office, Lisa and Rosé are already there.

When we arrived in front of sajangnim's office, I took a deep breath before I knocked, and I heard the CEO's "come in" so we went inside, the atmosphere is difderent, so cold yet so hot, everyone is silent, I greeted sajangnim a Good day and we bowed.

"Go sit" the CEO said which made us all stiffen.

Jennie POV.

I was wondering what happened, sajangnim looks like he's going to swallow us, he look so angry.

"Lisa, why don't you tell them?" Sajangnim said with his stern voice, Lisa look at us nervously one by one and Im fucking dying with curiousity, what fuck is happening!!!

"Ah..uhmm the rumor is.. is t-true" she said stuttering while fidgeting her fingers, and Im fucking confused "what a fucking rumors is that!?" I said angrily, I can't control myself anymore, Im fucking sure its about her and that bunny boy.

Lisa composed herself and answered "Jungkook from BTS and I are dating." she said looking into my eyes, Im fuming with anger right now, and all I know is that, I throw the vase in the wall, Jisoo unnie is trying her best to calm me down, but there no use, Im really really mad right now, "And Why the fuck didn't you tell us!!!??" I yelled, and she yelled back "Its my fucking business Jennie, not yours! I don't fucking care about you and your opinion, just fuck off Jennie fucking Kim!!" I was about to say something when cut me off. "Its my fucking choice to keep it secret! And IT'S. NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS!!! " she said emphasizing the last sentence.

"Leave. Me. Alone Jennie." She said looking into my eyes.

"Then stay strong" I said in my cold tone and left immediately. Once the elevator went to the ground, I called the driver to take me home.

When I get home, I went to my room and pack some of my clothes, while Im packing, I can't help myself but to cry and cry. I need to breath, I don't want to be here, I'm hurt, I'm in pain, so much pain, and that's because of the love of my life Lalisa Manoban.

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