Chapter 12

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Lisa groaned when she heard her phone beeping nonstop.

Today is Lisa's birthday, a lot of fans sending her a birthday greetings especially her Lilies fan club.

She read one by one her fans wishes for her.

She had a wide smile while she's reading those messages for her.

She got interrupted when her doorbell rang.

She fix herself first before she went down, when she opened the door, a man with a flower greeted her.

"Hello good morning ma'am, I'm here to deliver these flowers from Miss Rosé and Miss Jisoo. Just write your signature here ma'am" the delivery man said.

"Thank you sir" Lisa said and sign the paper that the delivery man asked her to sign.

"Have a great day ma'am, I gotta go" he said and wave his hand.

"Wow its so preetyyy" Lisa muttered and took a picture of those flowers and send it to her Instagram story and she tagged Jisoo and Rosé telling them her Thank you.

When she's done posting it to her story, she remembered Jennie out of nowhere.

"Is she going to attend my birthday?" She wisphered to herself and smile sadly.

"You're so dense Lisaa!!! Of course she won't. You hurted her remember?" She said to herself disappointed.

"I'm sorry nini" Lisa muttered when she felt her cheeks had tears already, that's when she started crying.

"Co-comeback nini ple-please" she said while crying.

She's not used to celebrate her birthday without Jennie.

When Lisa's birthday is near, Jennie was the one who always arrange her birthday party, but now? Nothing, and she think not anymore.

After what she said and did to Jennie? Lisa doesn't think that Jennie will forgive her, never in her dream.

She knows how kind Jennie is, Jennie has a good heart, but what Lisa said was beyond.

She stopped crying when someone is calling her, she took her phone and saw that Jungkook's calling.

"He-hello?" Lisa said stuttering because of so much crying.

"Hey, u okay babe?" Jungkook answered.


"By the way, happy birthday babe!" Jungkook said happyly.

"Thank you" Lisa said not interested to their conversation.

"Welcome, bye" Jungkook said and then end the call immediately.

When Jungkook end the call, she looked at her phone and sigh.

Lisa POV.

Its 7:00 in the evening and now I'm preparing myself for the party, the program will start exactly at 7:30pm.

When I'm done with my makeup, I wear my yellow dress and look at the mirror.

When I'm done with my makeup, I wear my yellow dress and look at the mirror

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