Chapter 14

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Lisa POV.

After I told Jisoo unnie and Rosé what happened to me 2 months ago, I left immediately.

I didn't tell them about the "almost got raped" part. I'm not planning to tell them, I don't want them to know, at least not now, everything is still vivid to me.

I don't want them to feel bad for what happened to me, I just think that maybe it was my karma, so I deserved it, I deserved to suffer.

When I left to the company, I went home immediately, since that day, I don't want to go anywhere anymore, I'm scared.

When I got home, I took a shower first and go to my bed, I'm so drained right now, I don't have any energy left.

After two hours of sleeping, someone rang my doorbell so I get up and opened the door.

I'm so shocked to see sajangnim in front of my door.

"Hello sajangnim, sorry for taking so long to open the door, I was sleeping earlier " I said softly.

"Its fine, and I don't remember waiting for so long outside your house, actually you're fast" he said that made me laugh.

"Come in sajangnim" I said.

"Do you want something to eat sajangnim? Or drinks?" I asked

"Don't bother Lisa, I won't take long, I'm just checking you if you're doing good" he said softly that made me smile

"Thank you for checking on me sajangnim, and don't worry, I'm fine" I said and smile.

"That's good to hear Lisa, just text or call if you need something or you need someone okay? Don't hesitate to call me please" sajangnim said pleading.

"Yes sajangnim, you don't need to worry 'bout me"

"Okay, Lisa I gotta go, I still have meetings to attend" he said and stand up

"Take care on your way sajangnim" I said and lead him outside.

"Bye Lisa"
"Bye sajangnim"

We said together and he left after.

"Its our first day of hiatus" I whispered to myself.

I'm so bored right now, honestly speaking, I don't agree with this 1 year hiatus, I wanted to make myself busy to forget what happened before.

About Jungkook, I don't care about what happened to us, actually I'm happy it happened.

I realized my feelings for him is not that strong, I don't even considered it as a love, maybe it was just an admiration.

And about Jennie? I don't know but I think, I'm slowly developing my feelings for her, I mean, it was there in the first place but I just choose to divert it to others, I just realized now that I'm inlove with Jennie since then.

But that's not the point now, I'm not planning to tell her whenever she came back here, I don't think she'll believe me.

I don't even know what's waiting for us in the future, all I know is that, I'm scared.

All I know is, I lost my happiness, I lost Jennie.

For now, I'm going to focus to myself, I've been going to my psychologist, and so far I'm gaining back my old self, I overcome my fear in darkness already and that's a big progress.

And about Jisoo unnie and Rosé, Rosé went back to Australia with her family, and Jisoo unnie went for a vacation with her family also

I didn't go back to my homeland, my mom have been begging me to come home but I told her I still need to do something.

I still need to fix myself.


Fast-forward (after 1 year of hiatus)

"Aishh, I'm getting boreddd argghh." I shout inside my house.

I'm getting bored to my daily routine, wake up at 8 in the morning, take a bath, eat breakfast, watch tv, then eat my lunch, watch tv again then sleep then eat again argghhh.

"I should book a flight for tomorrow, I need to go for a vacation." I said to myself.

I took out my phone and book a flight.

"Where should I go then?" I asked myself.

"Ohh New Zealand is 50% off hmm I think this is the one, yeah gonna book this now." I said and click then doneee.

I started packing my things now, I'm going to stay there for 1 to 2 weeks.

If you guys were wondering, are 1 year hiatus is done, but sajangnim extended it, he said that we were going to wait for Jennie, and its been 3 years since she left, I missed her so much, I miss her everyday.

"Where are you my nini? Come home now please, I miss you" I muttered I wiped my cheeks when I felt a tear escaped from my eyes.

"Comeback nini, I promise I'll never ever hurt you again, I promise I won't bother your new life when you come back here, I'm okay to see you from afar, I'll be content to be your only co worker or banmates, its okay for me if you don't want to be friends with me anymore, I won't complain I promise, just come home nini please, Jisoo unnie and Rosé misses you so much, they are waiting for you, and I'm going to wait for you for the rest of my life, because I know that this life isn't for us, so I'll wait for you in another life." I said to myself crying until I felt my eyes is getting heavy, so I let it and drifted to sleep.

Its 7 in the morning when I woke up, today is the day I'm going to New Zealand for a vacation, I need this, I need to unwind.

I'm done eating my breakfast and I'm preparing myself to go to the airport already.

My flight is 9:00am and its already 8:00

I called my manager to ready the car and I went down already.

"Good morning Lisa" my manager greeted me, and then help me to carry my luggage.

"Good morning too oppa"

"Hop on Lisa, you're going to be late" he said and I went inside the car immediately.

"How long are you going to stay there Lis?" My manager asked.

"I think 1 week or more oppa, it depends if I won't be bored there." I said and laugh

"Enjoy your stay there okay? Call me if you need someone, take good care of yourself too." Oppa said.

"Sure thing oppa" I said and smile at him.

"We're here Lisa, you take care okay?" Oppa said and help me to get out of the car.

"Thank you oppa, take care on your way home."

"Bye Lis" he waved and go.

"This is it" I wisphered to myself.

I went to the waiting area for my flight, I was just sitting when they announced our flight.

When I'm on my sit already, I took a photo of me and send to my mom telling her I'm going somewhere, she asked me where but I didn't tell her.

I off my phone and put it on my packet, I'm going to sleep for now.

"Bye for now Korea" I wisphered and drifted to sleep.


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