Chapter 26

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Lisa POV.

"Fuck you self, Why did you even react like that earlier? Huh?" I muttered while crying myself out.

I wanted to explained myself earlier but a fucking cat got my tongue.

I wanted to chase her, but I can't move, my body is not cooperating.

"I fucked up big time" I told myself and laugh because of too much alcohol I have drank.

I tried to call her, but she didn't answer her phone, and when I tried again, she already shut down her phone.

I hate myself so much, I hate myself for hurting her again.

"Don't I really deserve to be happy?" I asked myself, I'm really really drunk right now.

I smashed the bottle of vodka same with my glass into the wall near the front door.

"I'm so sorry Jennie, I'm really really sorry love, please forgive me." i said to myself crying hard until I wasn't able to talk and just sleep here in my living room.

It was 9 in the morning when I woke up with a headache, probably because of the alcohol.

"Arrgghhh fuckkk my head, fuck hangover" I said groaning in pain.

And after a while, I remember what happened yesterday again that made my tears fall from my eyes.

"Should I call her? Should I go to her house? But I didn't know where she's living" I said to myself.

"What about her bestfriend, chahee? Oh yeah right, I should go to her house and asked her."  I said and hurriedly go to my room and enter my bathroom to clean myself, I smell like shit.

After some time, I finally on my way to Jennie's bestfriend house, I hope Jennie is there, or maybe she knows Jennie where.

When I'm finally in front of her house, I knocked the door 3 times but no one still opening.

When I'm about to knock the door again, chahee finally opened her door.

But what I saw made me confused.

She's holding a 3 luggage beside her.

Is she going somewhere? It's none of my business I should asked my queries first.

Author's POV.

"What are you doing here Lisa?" Chahee asked in her normal voice.

She's not mad at lisa, she do understand her if she doubt jennie, but Jennie is so fragile without anyone else knowing except her.

"I.. uhm, I just want to ask if you perhaps know where Jennie is? Look, I know I fucked up big time, I'm regretting it, please tell me where Jennie is, I'm begging you." Lisa said while tears already falling from her eyes again.

Chahee smiled sadly of what Lisa just said.

"I'm so sorry Lisa, but I really don't know where she is right now." Chahee said sadly that made Lisa lose her hope, she doesn't have any idea where Jennie is.

They were both interrupted by a phone ringing, it's Chahee's phone.

When she took it out from her pocket, she saw that it's Jennie who is calling that made her smile.

"It's Jennie, she's calling" chahee said and lisa jolted out because of what she heard.

Chahee answered and put in on a loud speaker so lisa can hear it

"Cha" jennie said and chahee just hummed.

"If ever Lisa asked you where I am, tell her don't find me, tell her I'm fine okay?" Jennie said that made Lisa guilty even more.

Jennie cared for her a lot, but Lisa was so naive and stupid not to believe her or trust her.

"But where are you jen?" Chahee asked her and Jennie took a deep breath before she answered.

"I'm home" Jennie said shortly.

"Okay wait me at your house, I'm coming " chahee said but Jennie shook her head over the phone even though chahee can't see her.

"No chahee, what I mean is, I'm home. Here in Korea" Jennie said that made chahee and lisa gasp.

"Are you serious Jen? Don't prank me or else I'll kill you" chahee threatened.

"I'm one hundred and one percent sure cha" Jennie said chuckling.

"Je-jennie" lisa said that made jennie shocked.

"I..uh Li-lisa" Jennie said hesitantly.

"Please wait for me there, I'm coming home love." Lisa said.

"I'm so sorry love, I'm sorry for hurting you for the second time, I love you so much Jennie, please wait for me Jennie please." Lisa said while crying.

Jennie didn't say anything and just ended the call.

She doesn't want to hear lisa crying because of her.

"What are you still doing here Lisa? Go to your house and pack your things." Chahee said and chuckled.

"Thank you so much chahee" lisa said and hugged her.

"No need to thank me, just please make Jennie the happiest, that's all I wish for you to do. And I'm sorry if I can't go with you right now in Korea, I do have a business trip to attend but I'll be there too after this." Chahee said and bid her goodbye to lisa.

Lisa went to her car and drive away to pack all her things.

When she finally arrived, she immediately went to her closet to pack.

She doesn't know what to feel.

She doesn't know if she's happy or sad, or excited.

She feels a lot of emotions right now, but one thing she's sure of.

She's going to do everything to make jennie forgive her.

When she's done packing, she went to the airport immediately, she got lucky because there's still a slot for her to book a ticket right now in a rush time.

She just ride a taxi on her way to the airport, she just rented her car for the meantime that she's here in New Zealand.

When she arrived, it's exactly that they need to board.

"Thank you Lord for making me book a flight as soon as possible" I said while closing my eyes.

I'm now on my way to the plane that we're going to use.

When I'm already settled in my seat, I took a picture and sent it to chahee telling her that I'm on the plane already.

She told me earlier to update when I'm already in the plane.

She told me that if she didn't have any information about my safety, Jennie will kill her.

And I just laugh at her.

Everyone on the plane shut down thier phone when the stewardess said so.

"Wait for me love, I'm coming home" I whispered to myself and drifted to sleep.

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