Chapter 05

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Author's POV.

Jennie's manager were just staring at the door when Jennie walk out of the room.

He's afraid to see the old Jennie again, he treat Jennie like his little sister.

Everything that Jennie hides, her manager knew it, he knew everything, the reason why her parents abandoned her, that Jennie is intersex. Well their fans or the world knew that she's intersex, she announce it to their Light up the sky reality movie, she got a lot of hate but none of that affect her.

"Meeting adjourned" the CEO said when he felt that everyone isn't on their right mind so the CEO end the meeting coz obviously everyone needs to breath, what happened early in the morning is a huge mess.

Everyone bowed to sajangnim and left the office immediately.

"Lets eat first before we drop you to your houses" their manager said but they did not respond to him, "do you guys want to eat?" He asked again and they shook their head as a no.

After they drop the girls, Jennie's manager went to Jen's house to check on her, he has a spare key so he just went inside without Jennie knowing.

"Hey" her manager said when she saw Jennie sitting on her couch with wine on her hand, she doesn't want to get drunk this early so she just drink wine for the mean time.

When Jennie heard her manager, she just look at him coldly and didn't say anything.

This is what her manager's talking about, this cold Jennie, and not responsive Jennie. He saw the old Jennie again.

"Oppa" Jennie said, "why? Do you want something? Are you hungry?" Her manager said and she just shake her head no.

"Do me a favor oppa please?" Jennie said, "sure Jen, what is it?" Her manager ask, "can you tell to sajangnim that Im going to have a hiatus please?" She said pleading. Her manager sigh because of what he just heard from Jennie.

Jennie is a workaholic person, and this is the first time she asked a hiatus.

Her manager didn't say anything so Jennie speak again "oppa say something please" she said and oppa look at her and said "for how long?"

Jennie sigh and answered "maybe a year or more" she said, "w..why? that's...that's too lo-long Jen." Oppa said, "I know oppa, but I badly need it, Im losing myself again oppa." Jennie said and started to cry again, her manager immediately hug her, and agreed to Jennie's plan, this is the least her manager can do for Jennie.

When Jennie finally calm down he spoke "Where are you going Jennie?" Her oppa said and Jennie just shrugged "to be honest oppa, I don't know yet, all I want is to be away from here, away from her." Jennie said but she wisphered the last part but her manager still heard it and he smiled sadly.

Jennie POV.

Its 7 in the morning and Im cooking my breakfast, I didn't sleep well, everytime I close my eyes, her face always popped up, I miss Lisa, I miss her so much.

Today is the day, Im going to leave Korea for a while. I don't want to lose myself completely, I love Lisa so much, but I need a break. I'm not gonna leave Korea to move on from Lisa, I know to myself that I'll never get over her, she wrap me so tight that I can't escape from her.

I'm already here in the airport, oppa drop me, no one knows where am I going, even oppa didn't know it, I ask the airport staffs not to tell anyone about my departure and they agreed.

"I'm gonna miss Korea" I said to myself and went inside the plane, I decided to go back in New Zealand, my childhood home, I miss my bestfriend there, Im going to surprise her.

After 12 hours of flight, we finally landed in New Zealand.

I went outside the plane and inhaled and exhaled, "This is a new beginning" I said to myself.

I arrived at my condo, its 1 hour drive from airport to here. "Arghh Im so tired" I look at my luggage and sigh, "I'll unpack later, I wanna sleep" I said and go to my bedroom to get some sleep.

I woke up around 11am and its now 2pm, I just finish unpacking and arranging my things.

I remembered Chahee, my bestfriend we are going to meet later at 4pm, I miss that bitch so much.

"Jeez I smell like a shit" I said when I tried to smell my shirt, my shirt got wet because of my sweat. I go to my bathroom and fill the bathtub, after preparing my clothes to wear later, I went back to my bathroom and soak myself in a tub, "damn, its so warm"

I stayed in a tub for about 1 hour and a half. "I should clean myself already, or else I'll be late again" I said because its already 3:30pm, Im rubbing myself a soap when I remembered Lisa when she asked me to scrub her back, that made my cock twitch, "fuck stop being a horny dog" I said and slap my buddy.

Im finally here at the Café were me and Chahee going to meet, I went inside and I saw her sitting beside the window.

I look around the Café and its beautiful, "Wow, this Café is so aesthetic and so refreshing" I said and sit in across of Chahee.

"I know right, I know this kind of vibes is your thing that's why I choose this place to meet. By the way I miss you so much Jenjen." She said and stand up to hug me and I hug her back. "I miss you so much too Chacha" I said and smiled.

I'm glad no one's bothering me here, no media, no paparazzi following me around. I'm going to enjoy my stay here I guess yayy.

The waiter came to us and ask for our order, "1 order of Americano please" I said, "hmm 1 macchiato and 2 slice of pumpkin pie please." Chahee said, "is that all ma'am?" The waiter ask and I nodded.

"How's life in Korea Jen?" Chahee ask me, "fine, I guess." I said and shrugged. "What? Why aren't you sure? Didn't you fuck a lot of girls there hmm?" Chahee ask while wiggling her eyebrows.

I smacked her head hard and said "what the fuck are you talking about?"

"Oh come on, stop playing around Jen, you know what Im talking about, how's their taste?" She said not giving up until she get the answer that will satisfy her, I just shake my head at her silliness.

"Come on Jennie, tell me something." Chahee said again not giving up.

"Okay fine, erase the word you said 'a lot of girls'. I did a one night stand for only a year, and stop after." I said, I don't want to tell her that I fell in love with someone that's why I did stop, she's going to tease me all day if I tell her.

"Whatt? Why did you stop? That was so unusual" she said, "Ohh!!! I think I knew it" she said amused. Okay damn, she's really my bestfriend.

"You fell inlove with someone didn't you?" She said surprise. "And still inlove with her until now" I said sadly.

"Why is that face? You're Jennie Kim remember? Get what's yours Jen" she said seriously.

"But how? How can I get her when she's so inlove with someone else?" I said, "ohh I'm sorry Jenjen" she said and hug me, "its fine, that's why Im here, I wanna take a break from her."

"How long will you stay here?" Chahee ask, "I don't know honestly, when I feel like I'm ready, I guess." I said and smiled sadly.

"You miss her already don't you?"

"I miss her everyday, every hour, every minute and every second cha. I never imagine myself being head over heels to someone" I said laughing.

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