Chapter 25

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Author's POV.

Lisa and Jennie go out to meet chahee, Jennie's bestfriend.

They are on their way to Chahee's house.

Jennie decided just to meet her in her house since they are done eating their breakfast so she think that they will just spend a money if they will meet to a coffee shop or expensive restaurant and ordered some foods just to stay there and have a talk.

"Are we near nini?" Lisa asked Jennie, because she can't wait to meet Jennie's bestfriend, Jennie told her how special chahee is.

Not gonna lie, Lisa is kinda jealous when Jennie told that, but she shrugged it off telling herself that she's just Jennie's bestfriend or sister, nothing more, nothing less.

"Just a little more babe, we will be there in a minute" Jennie answered rubbing Lisa's thigh while driving.

After some time, they finally arrived at Chahee's house. Jennie and Chahee is in the same village but Jennie didn't tell Lisa about it, but she will later after the meeting with chahee.

Jennie knocked the door because Chahee's doorbell is still broken that made her annoyed.

"That bitch really, until now she didn't change her doorbell yet." Jennie said that made Lisa glare at her.

"Language Kim" she said while glaring and Jennie laugh nervously.

"I'm just joking babe, you know I'm a joker sometimes" she said chuckling nervously.

They both looked in front when the door suddenly opened revealing a unknown woman.

"Then who are you?" Jennie said with her cold tone and Lisa slapped her arm that made Jennie pout but Lisa just glare at her.

"I'm sorry about that miss, but may I know where is chahee? Jennie's bestfriend?" Lisa ask politely and Jennie rolled her eyes but Lisa saw it so she smacked Jennie's head this time.

"Ouchh babee that hurts" she said pouting and Lisa rolled her eyes this time and Jennie jokingly tried to smacked Lisa's head but Lisa glared at her so she smacked the unknown girl in front of her instead that made the girl hissed in pain.

"Oh my god Jennieeee!! What do you think you're doing?!" Lisa asked angrily and bowed to the unknown girl saying sorry on behalf of Jennie, but Jennie just remained silent because she knows that she's one of Chahee's one night stand.

"It's fine miss, I gotta go now" she said and bowed then left immediately.

"What's with that behavior Kim?" Lisa asked her using her cold aura.

Jennie is trembling because of Lisa's aura, Lisa is obviously mad right now.

"Ah..uhm c-coz sh.. she's just Chahee's who-whore?" Jennie answered not sure of what she said.

What Jennie answered made Lisa upset.

She just didn't expect Jennie to treat others like that even though they aren't her friends of whatever. They are still human, they are still girls who need to be respect.

Being a whore or whatever doesn't make them less as a human.

"Is that making you a whore then? You're sleeping around too." Lisa said, she sounds hurt.

"Babe that's not what I mean." Jennie tried to explained but Lisa still keeping her cold aura.

"Then what? Jennie it's not because they were sleeping around that doesn't mean they should be treated like that. Aren't you fucking around too? But have you ever encountered with someone who's disrespecting you?" Lisa said angrily and Jennie just bowed her head because of shame.

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