Chapter 13

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Its been 2 months since Lisa and Jungkook broke up, Lisa didn't tell Jisoo and Rosé about their break up, she kept it to herself, cause she doesn't want to worry them, and she doesn't want them to say the word "I told you".

She was crying alone for a month, she felt useless, worthless, and stupid.

Jungkook made her feel all of those negative words.

Those two months, their break up wasn't the only one that happened that made Lisa distance herself to Jisoo and Rosé.

When Lisa was trying to distract herself from loneliness because of their break up, she always go for a walk and then stand by to the han river.

One night, at 11:30 in the evening, she was about to go home when a guy drag her to a dark place, Lisa was so nervous, scared and trembling, she was screaming very very loud hoping that someone will save her.

The guy was about to rip her clothes when someone punch the guy.

Lisa almost got raped by an unknown guy.

Since that day, Lisa developed an anxiety to darkness, she's been having a nightmare almost every night.

She felt dirty, she felt like a shit.

She wanted to feel secure, she wanted to feel safe, she wanted to feel that she's worth it.

But no one made her feel of those things.

Jisoo POV.

Lisa, she's been acting so weird these past few months. She's been distancing herself from us, everytime we're inviting her for lunch or dinner she always declined telling us she's not hungry or she's not in the mood to eat, or she's still full or she's going somewhere or she has something to do.

There was a time when one of our staff touch her in her arms to tell her to get ready but she flinched and shout all of a sudden, she look so scared that time, her eyes screams horror, she look so horrible that time.

We asked her what's wrong, she was just saying she's okay, nothing is wrong, she's just tired. Those are her answer everytime we ask her how is she.

Today, we are on our way to the YG Entertainment, we were going to have a meeting with sajangnim, he called us yesterday to informed us.

When we arrived, we went to sajangnim's office immediately.

"Good day sajangnim" we said in sync and bowed to him 90 degree.

"Good day to all of you, sit down please and we will start the meeting" sajangnim said and we all sit down.

"I called all of you here to tell you that you guys were going to have your hiatus, no works for 1 year"

"Why all of a sudden sajangnim?" I asked, because I'm really really curious, this is the first time he let us rest for this long.

"I just realized that it is unfair for all of you that you guys are all working, while Jennie is having her hiatus, so I made a decision to give you all a hiatus to make it fair." Ha answered truthfully.

"Is it okay to ask you something sajangnim?" Lisa said that made us all shocked, because these past few months, this is the longest sentence that she said.

"Sure Lisa, what is it?" Sajangnim said

"Uhmm.. w-when will Je-jennie co-comeback?" She asked while stuttering.

"About that Lisa, I really really don't know when, I don't even know where she is right now, she just asked her manager before to tell me that she want to have a hiatus." Sajangnim said sadly.

"O-okay, thank you sajangnim" she said and bowed slightly.

"Why do you asked by the way?" Sajangnim said.

"Oh-ahm.. i-its no-nothing sajangnim" she said stuttering.

But the way her face fell from poker face to sad face when sajangnim don't know when will Jennie comeback, I knew she misses her, so much.

I know Lisa regretted everything that she had done, I know so, it is so easy to read Lisa.

"Don't worry Lisa, she'll be back soon, lets wait for her arraseo?" I said to cheer her up and she just smile and nodded slightly.

"So, are you guys okay with the 1 year hiatus?" Sajangnim asked us.

We nodded and said "more than okay"  and thumbs up that made sajangnim laugh at us.

"So lets end the meeting then, enjoy you hiatus girls." He said and hugged us one by one then group hug.

He is really amazing, sajangnim is so kind, I love him like a father.

"Good bye sajangnim and take good care of yourself and don't stress at work too much" I said and smile at him sweetly.

"Yeah, thank you Jisoo, you guys take care too" he said and we nodded and left his office.

"What are you guys planning for this hiatus?" Chaeng asked.

"Probably playing online games everyday" I said happyly.

I can finally spend my time with my PC or Personal Computer.

"Chicken addict" Chaeng wisphered but I heard her.

"Hey I heard that!" I said

"Its meant for you to hear" she said and rolled her eyes on me.

"Ugly Chipmunk" I said and stick out my tongue and she did the same too.

"Hey lets eat outside, what do you guys think?" I said and look at Lisa and Chaeng.

"I'm not hungry unnie, I'll just eat at home." Lisa said as usual.

"Nope, you are coming with us wether you like it or not." I said

"Please unnie, I'm not really hungry and I still have something to do" she reason out again.

"Do you think we don't know that you're avoiding us? That you're distancing yourself to us? We aren't blind Lis, we've been together since trainee days which is 10 years ago and almost 11 years now. You can talk to us if you have a problem to us, if you have a problem personally, you know we are always here for you right? Tell us Lisa please, we are so we worried, tell us what's happening please?" I said softly and desperate.

I was startled when she crashed me into a hug and cried in my shoulder, I just let her and I rubbed her back to calm her, she's crying really really hard.

When she slightly calm down, she said something that made us shocked.

"Jungkook and I broke up 2 months ago" she said and cry again.

"Why? What happened to the both of you?" I asked.

"H-he che-cheated on me" she said stuttering.

I'm glad she calm down now.

"Fuck that ugly bunny guy" I muttered.

"I caught him having sex with two girls on my room" she said

"When?" I said lowly

"Exactly on my birthday party, when I left to our table that time to find him and then yeah, that's what happened.

"I'm so sorry Lisa, we aren't there for you" Chaeng said and hug Lisa.

"It's fine, I know you guys aren't fond of him, that's why I didn't tell you, and I don't want you guys to get involve to my mess just like what I did to Jennie, I'd rather suffer alone, wether you admit it or not, I know you guys are still mad at me about what happened to Jennie, I know you guys are blaming me for sure, if it wasn't because of me Jennie didn't left, Jennie were here laughing with the two of you, I'm really really sorry Jisoo unnie and Rosé for hurting Jennie, if I could just bring back the time, I'm not going to say those things, but you guys don't have to worry anymore, I already got my karma." She said and smiled sadly and left immediately leaving us dumbfounded.

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