Chapter 36

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Lisa POV.

After 1 month of preparing our comeback, finally the day has finally come, today is our last day of rehearsal.

We're done with everything, dance choreography, voice record, and the music video.

The title track of our new album is "Ready for Love"

The title track of our new album is "Ready for Love"

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After 3 years of hiatus, we are finally coming back.

I never expected this to happened to be honest.

After Jennie left? I thought Blackpink is over.

Not until I saw her in New Zealand and she went back here in Korea.

And thanks to her bestfriend, Chahee, she's one of the reason why Jennie came back here in Korea.

Speaking of her, she's still in New Zealand, Jennie told me she's just finishing some important matter in her company that's why she's not here yet.

It's already evening, me, Jisoo unnie, Chaeng and my nini decided to have a sleepover here in my house.

We're going to watch Stranger Things season 4.

Jennie and Jisoo unnie is in the kitchen, they are preparing our snacks.

I'm craving a pizza right now.

"Hey Chaeng, let's order some pizza? What do you think?" I suggested

"Eyy that's a good idea Lis, wait I'll get Jennie's phone" she said and run immediately to the kitchen to get Jennie's phone since she's the only one who always ordered a food for us, even before.

"Here, order what flavor do you want, anything is okay for me." Chaeng said and handed me the phone

"How about pepperoni? Or Hawaiian pizza?" I asked her and she just nodded while eating the food she got in the kitchen earlier.

"Okay" I said since she's really really busy with her food.

After I'm done ordering, exactly Jennie and Jisoo unnie is already here in the living room.

"Come on, lets go and watch bitchesss!!!" Jisoo unnie shouted and went beside Chaeng.

While Jennie, she settled herself behind me, I'm in between her legs and she let me rest my back on her front.

"Are you okay with this? Am I not making you uncomfortable?" She asked softly while caressing my hand.

She's so sweet, even like this, she always make sure I am comfortable.

"Don't worry, I'm always comfortable when you're around, and besides I love it when you're being clingy." I said lovingly and kissed her cheeks.

"Heyy respect brooo!!" Jisoo unnie shouted that made Jennie and I scoff.

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