Chapter 03

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Jisoo POV

After Jennie left for about 30 minutes, we bid our goodbye too and call it for a night. Base on my instinct something is wrong to Jennie, she's too quiet earlier when the fact that she's the loudest, but earlier is so unusual, I wonder why.

I decided to go to Jennie's house, I wanna ask her if she's okay, that little shit is so good at hiding her emotions.

I press her door bell for how many times already but she's not opening the goddamn doorr!!! "Im gonna kill this bitch I swear." I said gritting my teeth. I tried to call her but she's not picking up, "You're a fucking bitch Jennieee!!!" I yelled in her door like a crazy bastard. I tried to unlock her door using lisa's birthday which is "0327" who knows if lisa's birthday is still her password, that fucking dog is madly, deeply inlove with Lalisa Manoban. She didn't tell me that she's inlove, but the way she look at her, I knew already, and Lisa is the one who set her door password. "Click" indicating that the password I put is right, "Dang it, finally."

I went to her bedroom immediately, I knock but no one's answering, "she fell asleep that fast?" I ask myself, but when I opened the door, I found nothing, no Jennie. "That fucking bitch, where did she go? I'll wait for her to comeback then" I said and go down to find snacks in her fridge, and open her PS5 to play.

Its already 1:00am but there still no sign of Jennie, Im fucking worried, where did that little shit gooo!!?? I called her but she's not answering, I tried to call her hundred times but this bitch isn't picking up.

Im now pacing back and forth, Jennie isn't home yet and its already 2 in the morning. I got startled when I heard my phone ringing so I immediately took it and to my surprise its fucking Jennie.

Jennie POV.

Its already 2 in the morning when I decided to go home, Im too fucking drunk to drive my car, I can barely stand, so I took out my phone and I saw Jisoo unnie's hundred miss calls, but I chose to dialed Seulgi's number but she's out of reach, "fuck this girl" I said, I look for another number on my phone and saw Jisoo unnie's phone number, I dialed her number immediately, fuck my head hurts.

"Jennie fucking Kim where are you!!?" Chu said yelling, I groan in annoyance, my head hurts already and she's making it worst. "Oh hello to you too Jisoo unnie keke" I said drunkenly "wtf. Jen? Are you fucking drunk? Where are you!?" She said "Finally you asked, btw. Im here at the bar, near my house, can you fetch me unnie pleaseu?" I said pouting even though she can't see me. "Don't go anywhere, I'm coming. You fucking stay where you are Jen, I know how stubborn you are." She said but I just laugh at her and said "Thank you unnie, you're the best unnie in the world, I love you kekeke." I said drunkenly and cutely. "You're disgusting" chu said and she end the call immediately.

Its been 15 minutes since I called unnie to fetch me, but I can't stand anymore Im so drunk so I just lay at the ground and was about to sleep when I heard someone yelling. "Omg. Jennie, what the fuck are you doing, get your ass up you bitch, lets go home." Jisoo unnie said and help me to stand. She buckled my sit belt and she went to the driver sit, "unnie" I said and she hummed, "nothing" I said and laugh sheepishly and she just shake her head laughing. Im just looking at the window until we got home, unnie help me of course, she made me sit in the couch and went to the kitchen. Im just staring at my wall when she offered me to drink the cold water she get.

"Unnie, is it alright to fall in love? Is it valid?" I ask her while staring at my window admiring the sky and stars. "Of course its valid Jendeukie, and that's alright, love is inevitable." Chu said and I just smiled at her. "Why did you ask?" Unnie said and I just shake my head "its nothing unnie" I said, "ohh waittt, are in love Jendeukie?!" Unnie said teasing me obviously I slap her shoulder "Fuck no! I was just asking okay?!" I said in defense, "stop smirking unnie, you're ugly." I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"Lets go to your room Jen, its already 3am you need to sleep, you're lucky tomorrow is sunday, that means no work, no rehearsals" unnie said, I just nod and we went upstairs.

I took a little shower and brush my teeth. I just wore a shirt and my boxer, unnie is already lying on my bed comfortably, "goodnight jen" chu said, she was about to sleep when I called her name, "chu" I said and she just hummed "uhm I.. I have something t-to.. te..tell y..ou" I said stuttering, I curse myself in my head for that, "what is it?" Unnie said, "uhmm I fu..fucked with someone at the bar, and she has a boyfriend, I swear unnie I didn't know she has a boyfriend but who cares, Im so horny that time, so yeah, that's why I got these bruises on my beautiful face" I said wiping my not existing tears.

"You fucking whatt!!?" Oh she's mad already "calm down unnie" I said and she smack my head and I pout at her and she just rolled her eyes at me, "Im sorry unnie, I was too drunk, I don't know what Im doing earlier, I just found myself in a restroom with a girl sucking my dick" I said laughing hard and unnie just know how to kill the vibe, she smack me hard and pinch me so hard "fuccckk!!!!" I yelled, "unnie let goooo, it hurts, unnie please" but unnie didn't let go until she saw my tears, "go to sleep" unnie said and I just pout but she glared at me so I immediately lie on my bed and sleep.

Rule no.1: Don't make the fucking chicken angry.

That grumpy little chicken addict.

Tall Jennie and small Lisa in your area.

Jennie & Rose: 5'8
Lisa & Jisoo: 5'4

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