Chapter 43

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Lisa POV.

We are now here in Los Angeles which is our last tour here in US.

And guess what? Jennie has been ignoring me for 2 days now.

I'm trying to talk to her but she always find a way to get away from me.

To not talk to me to be specific.

She always busied herself to not have a chance to talk to her.

She even do the staffs work just to avoid interaction with me.

I swear, I miss my nini so much.

2 days is the longest that we didn't talk to each other or kissed each other.

I've texting her saying my sorry.

But I received nothing, I tried to message her in her IG account but she didn't even seen it or open it.

Fuckkk! I think I'm gonna cry...Well it's my fault though.

Suffer Lisa, suffer.


My friend Niki invited me to go to a party, and of course being a good friend with her for almost 3 years, of course I accepted the invite.

I tried to contact Jennie but she's not picking up her phone since she's filming her part in the Idol.

She's probably still busy.

So I left a text instead saying that I'm going to a party with my friend Niki.

When we are already at the party, the crew offered us a drink which we gladly accepted.

"This is kinda wild party Niki." I said while observing the people who's dancing in the middle while grinding their asses to their partners.

"Yeah, it is. Well, we are in US babe, it's normal. People here is open minded unlike in South Korea." Niki answered while laughing.

"You're right Niki, every move you made is an issue. People watching and following you everywhere and it's kinda creeping me out." I said and laugh with her.

"Lis, look, that guy is familiar." Niki said while nudging me to look at what her pointing.

"Where?" I asked.

"There, the who's talking with a girl, he's wearing black stripes blazer." Niki said but I still don't know who is she talking about.

"What? I can't see him, where?" I asked again trying to roam my eyes to find that man.

"There!" She said and hold my head to look where the guy is.

"Ohhhh! That's Kim Taehyung from BTS." I said and take a sip in my drink.

It's been a while since the last I saw him.

There's a rumor before that Him and Jungkook was dating. Well I don't mind though, they look good together.

But back then, when Jungkook and I was still dating, there's a time that I caught him staring at me.

I wasn't sure if there was something with his stares but I didn't really pay attention to him back then.

But I can feel that he has some feelings for me before.

"Ohh he's hot right?" Niki said that made me back in reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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