Chapter 10

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Mr. Kang POV. (CEO)

You guys must be wondering why I let Jennie to have her hiatus.

Jennie is my bestfriend's daughter, her father and I are good friend.

We were high school buddy.

If you guys thinking that Im giving Jennie a special treatment, well you guys are wrong, very wrong.

I'm the CEO of this company, but that doesn't mean I own YG Entertainment.

Its Jennie's.

The owner of YG Entertainment is no other than Jennie.

I told her before when she turned 19 y/o she's going to take over the company, but she declined telling me that she wanted to be an idol, a kpop idol to be specific.

But now, she's an idol and a businesswoman at the same time.

She owned Celine brand, yeah you heard it right. The brand that Lisa's endorcing is Jennie's brand.

She made Lisa the face of her brand, she also hire her as a Global Ambassador.

And about the issue of Lisa and Jungkook? Well that's Jennie's plan, Jennie plan to divert the fans attention to her instead.

That's how selfless Jennie is. That's how much she love Lisa.

She choose Lisa's happiness over her, and I'm so proud of her because of that.

She can sacrifice everything for Lisa, even when you ask her to jump on the plane without a parachute, damn that girl will still jump.

She even asked me to take care of Lisa, to always remind her not to overwork, to always eat her food on time.

She is so whipped when it comes to Lisa, I don't know what Lisa did to her that made her like that, but well it's not a bad thing though, in fact, she changed Jennie a lot.

"Buddy, your daughter is so so so whipped, I still remember how stubborn she is when she was only 9" I said while cleaning my bestfriend tomb.

Ever since Jennie's parents died, I was the one who took care of her, she was only 11 years old that time.

She was so young when her parents died, I feel bad about it.

As a best friend or family, I took care of their one and only daughter.

"You're daughter is working hard for you and your wife's justice, hang on buddy, were almost there." I muttered and smile while looking at the sky.

I was just lying on the grass  when my phone is starts ringing.

"What's up daughter? Or should I say my son?" I said teasingly while laughing.

"Not funny" the other line said

"Miss me already huh" I said arrogantly

"Eww stop it, its making me cringe as fuck"

"HAHAHA okay fine, fine." I said but still laughing, I love teasing her.

"How are you anyways?"

"Well, I'm doing good I guess" she said, "how 'bout you?" She added.

"Well, I'm getting weak"

"WA-WHAT!? WHY WHAT HAPPENED!!?" she said nervously and I started laughing out loud.

"I..I'M JUST ME-MESSING AROUND GIRLL!!!" I said laughing and holding my stomach because of too much laughing.

"You know what, bye! And oh before I forgot, Fuck you!" She said angrily and then end the call.

Damn, this is so funny, I miss her already, gonna visit you soon.

I looked at my watch and its already 5pm, I still have something to do in the office.

I arrived at the company in just 1 hour and 15 minutes, normally its a 2 hours drive away from here.

"Good day sajangnim" the security guard greeted me and he bowed and I bowed too and smile.

The staffs are all busy because of Treasure, Winner and Bigbang's comeback.

I haven't give any statement about blackpink's comeback because everything is still messy.

Blackpink needs to cool down first, everyone needs a rest, a space.

Lisa talked to me last month about the issue of her and Jungkook, she asked for my permission if its fine to give a statement about it, but of course I didn't let her.

I accidentally heard her talking with someone on the phone, she told that she wants a public relationship that she's going to ask my permission if its okay if she's going to be the one to give a statement.

My statement about their issue that time was so calm, well at least for me.

"We can't contact Lisa" that was my statement.

Duhhh, I'm not going to waste my time to give a statement about that stupid relationship.

After I finished all my paper works, I fixed my things and called my driver to fetch me.

After waiting for a while, my driver called me that he's already here.

"I'm so sorry to bother you sir" I said

Yeah, I call them a 'sir' or sometimes 'dude' or 'bro'

"No its fine Mr. Kang, its my job after all" he said and smile.

I pat his shoulder and went inside the car and he followed.

He started the engine and drove away.

"Have you eat dinner already  sajangnim?"

"Oh not yet" I said

"Should we stop and buy foods?" He said smiling

"I'm not planning to eat dinner today, but you mentioned it again, now I wanna eat something."

"What do you want to eat sajangnim?" He ask

"Anything is fine, just stop by to the nearest."

Well we're here at the restaurant right now, I told him we will just take it out but he told me that the food isn't the same anymore if we eat it at home.

Like what? How? Is that even possible? Tsk. Whatever.

After we finished eating dinner, I told him to go home already because Im really really exhausted right now.

When I'm already in my house, I got startled whe I saw someone standing in the living room, her back is facing me, she has a ash blonde hair, and a shoulder level hair and she's holding a glass of a wine.

Damn, I'm fucking shaking right now

I hold the slipper and ready to throw at her even though its just nothing when it hits her because of how light it is, but I'm so so nervous right now and I can't think straight.

"Who are you!?" I shout at her but she didn't even flinch.

Oh my fucking hell, who is this person? How come she got inside my house???!!!

I should install another door lock soon, so no one can go inside like this.

"Hello to you too sajangnim" she said coldly and turned around facing me.

And I was so shocked to see who it was.

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