Chapter 38

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Jennie POV.

"Guess what? Hmm Lisa and I are together againnnn!!!!" I shouted over the phone.

It's already 6:30 in the morning and Lisa is still sleeping, I didn't bother to wake her up since it's still early.

"Oh my goddd!! How come!?" Chahee answered over the phone.

"What do you mean by that huh? Do you want me kill you!?" I yelled at her.

"HAHAHAHA looks like the so called fuck girl is getting laid one of these days huh." Chahee said that made me think some nasty things about me and Lisa doing the exciting part.

Fucking hell Jennie stop being a pervert!!! Jeeeezzz

"Shut the fuck up cha, to be honest, these past months that I'm courting Lisa, I never think of getting laid, or have the urge to fuck some girls. Like you know, everything did really changed I swear." I said seriously.

"You know I'm so happy for you Jen, this is what I'm talking about when we were still in New Zealand. This is the things what I'm trying to make you realize for years you fucking stubborn ugly bitch!" Cha answered but I just scoffed at her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say cha. By the way I got to go, I'll hung up now, I still need to cook some breakfast for the love of my life. Bye bitch, love yah. Lets meet this week, clear your schedule, don't you ever try to ditch me again or else I will kill you for real this time!" I said while gritting my teeth, I'm so so mad at her that time.

She made me wait at this expensive restaurant that she reserved for almost 3 hours!!!

Who the hell is going to be okay with that? Huh?

And the fact that I do really really hate waiting.

But whatever, that was in the past, I need to cook some yummy breakfast for my baby.

When I'm done cooking, I went upstairs with the food I cooked.

I don't want Lisa to comedown and eat breakfast at the dining room when I can get the food and just give her right away.

She might have a hard time coming down, because she's always sleepy.

"Babyy" I called and knocked the door before I opened it.

I saw her sitting and her back is leaning on the headboard while using her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked softy.

"Nothing I'm just scrolling" she answered and put back her phone on the bed side table.

"What's that?" She asked

"Breakfast for you" I said and wink at her and she just chuckle.

"Good morning love" I said softly and kissed her lips.

"Don't pull out" I warned her between our kisses coz I know she's going to complain again about her not brushing her teeth.

We made out for 2 minutes and I let her eat her food.

"You can just peck my lips but why do you have to make out!?" Lisa said cutely.

"You're cute" I said instead of answering her questions.

"I know" she said arrogantly

"I'm not going to argue with that" I said and was about to kiss her again but she blocked my lips before it touches hers and that made me pout.

"Just a peck promise, I just can't get enough with you. I've missed you so much." I said and that made her smile.

"Okay" she said softly and she lean to kiss me for 15 seconds, okay that's not even a peck.

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