Chapter 17

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Jennie POV.

After Chahee and I decided to go home, we went to a park first to unwind and talk about life I guess.

We are now here in the New World Victoria Park, we're just sitting here while drinking a soda.

"How are you Jen?" Chahee asked that made me look at her

"Why you're asking me that question all of a sudden? You're surprising me" I said and chuckle.

Cause honestly speaking, I don't know how and what to answer to that question. It's a simple question but it's hard for me to express what I'm feeling.

To be honest, I'm not happy, I don't feel like I'm living anymore, but I'm trying my best but I need to lie to cover up my sadness.

"I'm okay, how about you cha? How's life huh?" I said and nudge her.

"I'm okay too, I'm happy also cause finally you're here on my side again laughing with me. You know Jen, when you left New Zealand without telling me anything, I was so devastated that time, I haven't go outside my room for about 4 to 5 months I guess, we were so inseparable back then hahaha, not until you disappeared all of the suddened." She said softly.

I felt guilty for not telling her the real  reason why we left New Zealand back then.

"I'm sorry cha for not informing you about me and my parents departure before." I said softly and she nodded smiling at me

"Don't worry 'bout that, what's important is, you're here again, with me." She said and then hug me.

"Just don't leave me like that again arraseo? Text me or call me if ever you're going to leave me again." She said and hug me tight.

"I won't do the same again cha, I'm not going to leave you again." I said while rubbing her back.

"Good, or else I'm going to hunt you" she said and pulled out from our hug

"Chacha" I said calling for her attention.

I think this is the time.

"Waeyo?" She answered.

I took a deep breath and hold her hands while looking to her eyes.

"I love you" I said and close my eyes while slowly leaning my head closer to her when...


I opened my eyes because of how hard she slap me on my fucking beautiful faceeee.

"Yahh what the fuckkk!!!? You ruined our moment" I said and pout.

"You're so fucking gross ewww" she said and I laugh at her.

"But seriously though, I have something to tell you" I said seriously.

"What!? What is it? Have you got pregnant someone? Huh? Tell meee" she said exaggerating.

"Can you fucking stop being exaggerating?" I said and rolled my eyes at her.

"Then what is it?"

"It's about what happened before, the real reason why we left New Zealand" I said calmly

"Then tell me now" she said seriously.

"Remember when I was in your house that time, we were playing when suddenly our driver came to fetch me."

"Yeah, I remember that" she said

"So yeah, that was the day we left New Zealand, it was a rushed, I asked my dad why and where are we going, and he told me that someone wants to kill us, it's their rival in business together with your dad, but my dad was the only one who's meeting with him everytime they have something to talk about business, so yeah, when he knew about your parents and my parents have been a business partner since then, he thought that my dad was playing with him, or trapping him, so he sent someone to kill us so we departed to Finland and stay there for about only 2 years because he found us again, it was like a hide and seek game, so we went to another country again and again, until we went to South Korea, we just landed and was about to go to our house in the middle of a forest but things got out of control, they shoot my mom and dad and I was left alone there, but then my dad's Best friend, Mr. Kang, he was the one who took care of me, he handled our company, he's currently handling our Entertainment and Hotel and Restaurants, he told me that I'm going to handle it when I turned 19 or 20 I don't remember anymore hahaha, but I told him I don't want to, I still have a trauma of what happened that time, that's why I choose to be an idol than a businesswoman, I don't wanna die like that." I said

"Ohh I'm so sorry jen, I didn't know" she answered feeling guilty.

"Nah, don't be cha, it's not your fault anyways." I said and patted her

"But how about the killer and the one who commanded to kill your parents? Have you guys found them?" She asked.

"Actually, we investigated everything, but when we found out where he is, he was dead already, his family told us that he killed himself, I think he did that when he found out that he misinterpreted my parents and your parents business, he felt guilty for killing my parents without letting my dad explained, he just find out the truth when we sent him the video. That was just 2 years ago when he found the truth, my dad recorded it when he was still alive, he tried to send it to them but they keep on deleting the video before ."

"That's suck, but have you forgive him for what he has done to your parents?" She asked.

"Yeah, I have forgive him a long time ago" I said

"That fast?" Chahee answered.

"Yeah, that fast. I was so desperate to forget about what happened in the past back then, I was so lonely and depress. So I went back to that forest, I don't wanna go back there to be honest, but I told to myself, in order to forget the past, I should face my fear,so I went to that forest letting out all of the hatred, anger and everything that made me depressed."

"I'm so proud of you my Jen Jen" chahee said and smiled at me.

"Of course you should" I said and laugh.


"Hmm?" I hummed and looked at her curious.

"I promise you will never be alone again, I'm here now, you can tell me whatever bugging you" she said sincerely.

"I know cha, and thank you so much for that, you're the best" I said and hugged her.

"Hey, by the way, does your friends there know about this? I mean the reason why you're parents, you know" she said.

"Actually, I told them they abandoned me" I said and smile sheepishly.

"And they believed you?" She asked.

"Of course duhhh." I said and laugh.

"But, aside from you and Mr. Kang, someone also knew about it." I smile

"Who's that person huh?" She asked.

"Lisa" I said and smile sadly.

"She kneww?" She asked again to confirm and I nodded.

"She knew what happened to you in the past but she choose to hurt you more." She said disappointed.

"It's nothing to do with her cha, she's out of that messed." I said defending her.

"Yeah, whatever you say." She said and rolled her eyes.

"Well I can't help it, I love her so much it hurts." I said

"But what happened to you because of that love" she said.

"Whatever cha, I still love her no matter what." I said looking in the sky.

"When will you go back to Korea by the way?" She asked.

Honestly speaking, I haven't think about going back, not until chahee mentioned it.

"I don't know either" I said and laugh.

"Go home Jen, I think you should make her yours" she suggested.

"Lol, maybe she's already engaged now" I said and laugh to hide my sadness, just thinking about it makes my heart heavy.

"You wouldn't know if you're not going back to Korea"

I think she's right, maybe it's time for me to go home.

I need my lili.

-should I end the story? Hahaha

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