Chapter 09

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After manager Young left, the CEO dismissed the meeting.

Lisa is still processing to what Jennie's manager told her. She can't believe what she just heard a while ago.

"Lisa are you okay?" Jisoo asked her and she nodded.

"Are you still thinking about Jennie's manager told you?"

"I-its ju..just that I can't believe what he just said a w-while ago." She answered and Jisoo just hammed.

"Actually Lis, what Mr. Young told you was true." Rosé said

"You're just too naive not to notice, she's inlove with you a long time ago" Jisoo added to what rosie just said.

They left Lisa alone, even Jisoo and Rosé is upset to what Lisa said to Jennie the day they knew about the rumored of her and Jungkook.

Rosé POV.

We left Lisa alone and Jisoo and I headed to the dance practice room, I'm still upset about what happened 3 months ago, and its almost 4 months since Jennie unnie left us.

Jisoo and I tried to contact her but she's out of reach, when we asked manager Young, he told us that she changed her number already because he can't contact Jennie also.

Jennie unnie left without telling anything, she didn't even say goodbye to us, she didn't text us or give us a call, she just disappear after that incident in Mr. Kang's office.

"Lisa's birthday is coming, do you think Jennie will come?" Chu said, and I sigh.

"Honestly speaking, I don't think so."

"But she never missed Lisa's birthday" chu said and I just look at her.

"I mean, remember when she was in Los Angeles, she had a photoshoot that time but she rescheduled the photoshoot and go back to Korea just to celebrate Lisa's birthday" she added.

"Yeah, I remembere that time, she even gave her the expensive vintage camera that Lisa wants to buy as her birthday present." I said and shake my head

"Yeah, she's so unbelievable" chu said and laugh.

"But seriously unnie, I don't think Jennie will come."

"You think so?" She asked

"I know so" I answered

"Lets say, Jennie never missed Lisa's birthday, but look unnie, things are not the same anymore, everything changed now" I said sadly.

"Yeah you're right." She said and smile sadly.

"But who knows unnie" I said and laugh to light up the mood.

Jisoo has been acting like this since Jennie left, they are so inseparable but things is getting messy because of that dating rumor.

Well, I can't blame Jennie unnie, she's been through a lot, and she choose to leave because she's hurt, then who am I to stop her right? Besides its for her, I hope and pray for her to find her true happiness without Lisa in her life.

Yeah, I knew about her feelings for Lisa, Jisoo and I knew it.

She accidentally said it to us when she was drunk, we thought she was just messing around not until she started crying and screaming.

She loves Lisa so much, I don't doubt that.

I once told Lisa that Jennie has feelings for her in a joke way, I just want to know what would be her reaction, but she just made a disgusting look and rolled her eyes.

"Arrrff. As if" she scoffed

"What? Why not right? The way she care for you, the way she looked at you, Im sure of it" I said and smirk

"Shut up Chaeng, Jennie? Will fall for me? It means that would be the end of the world chaeng." She said laughing

"No I'm serious Lis"

"Drop it chaeng, that will never happen, Jennie is a fuck girl and I know you know that, and I don't like her either." She said in disgust

"Was Lisa, she WAS a fuck girl, past tense." I said emphasizing the word 'WAS'

"Whatever chaeng, that doesn't change the fact that she's a fuck girl, why would I settle for someone who is a fuck girl? Right? And beside, its disgusting to be with Jennie, she's a freak, I admit that Jennie is pretty, but that snake between her legs? Eww, that ruined her image, she's a freak with a dick!" She said disgustingly.

I can't believe Lisa, she doesn't deserve Jennie.

When Lisa said those thing to Jennie, I distance myself to her, she's a bitch, she's a homophobic witch.

I don't hate Lisa, its her decision, its her point of view about Jennie, and I can't do anything with that, seems like her mind is already close no matter what I say, she's not going to listen.

Lisa doesn't know what she's missing, and that's Jennie Kim.

Someday Lisa, someday you will regret everything. Its your lost.

"Rosie lets go" Jisoo unnie said, we will going to have a dinner to her parents house.

We were walking at the hall way when we saw Lisa, we just smile to each other.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked

"Ah-ohh we are going to my parents house" Jisoo unnie was the who answered.

"Ah okay take care" she said

We saw a familiar car in the parking lot, don't tell me...

"Hey Lis"

I rolled my eyes secretly when he said that, its Jungkook.

They are going to have a date I guess.

"Lets go chu" I said and drag Jisoo unnie to get inside the car.

I sigh and Jisoo unnie looked at me, "why chae? Do you have any problem? You can tell me."

"Its just Lisa unnie, to be honest, I don't know her anymore unnie, she's a stranger to me unnie" I said sadly

We used to be the partner in crime, but what happened now? I don't know her anymore.

Its making me sad, but like what I said, I can't anything 'bout that.

"We're here" the driver said and we went outside.

"Thanks oppa, take care on your way home" we said and bid our goodbye.

Jisoo rang the door bell and her mom was the one who opened it.

"Eommaaaa!!!" Jisoo shout and hug her mom tight.

"Hello auntie" I said and bowed.

"Come in girls dinner is readyyy!"

Oh greattt yayyy, I run to the dining room leaving jisoo and her mom, I heard them laugh because of what I did.

"Hi oppaaa good evening" I said cheerfully when I saw Jisoo unnie's brother Jin.

"Oh hello rosiieee! I glad you guys have time to visit here." He said and hug me.

"Yes oppa, Im happy to be here also, when Jichu said that she's going home, I told her immediately that Im going here with her." I said and he laugh.

"Thank you Lord for the food" we said in unison and start eating.

"Hmmm, its really delicious, I love your cook so much auntie"

"Ohh you like my cook that much rosie huh" she said and wink and i just laugh with that.

"Oh by the way, where's Jennie and Lisa?" Uncle said and Jisoo and I look at each other.

"O-ohh they a-are busy appa" jisoo said and uncle just nodded.

"Please tell them I said Hi" auntie said and we nodded.

"Thank you for the food eomma, as much as we want to stay, we can't" jisoo said and pout.

"Its okay honey, take care on your way okay?" She said and hug the both of us.

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