Chapter 20

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Jennie POV.

When I can't see Lisa anymore, that's when I came back to my senses.

"You're so fucking stupid Jennie!!" I said to myself and hit my head 5 times.

"Why don't you go home and claim her Jen? You know wether it is late or not, at least you tried."

"Look at you here, escaping from them, from her to be specific."

"You need to think properly Jen, you can't just stay here for the rest of your life."

"Don't waste another year hiding here in New Zealand, go home and get her, make her yours Jen."

"I don't want you to regret anything in the future"

"You will never ever get rid of her if you're going to hide forever."

"If you wanted her to be yours, you have to start and plan your moves to get her."

"Come on Jen, I'm not going to let you sit here and fucking around knowing that it was just your way to escape your pain and problems."

"Maybe this month or next month, you will go home, in South Korea. You don't have to worry, I'll be with you Jen."

Those are the words I'm thinking right now.

Chahee is right, I need to get her and make her mine, I don't want to waste another year hinding.

Whatever happens, whatever her decision is, I'm going to respect it, at least I tried fighting for her.

"Get your girl Jennie" I said to myself and run where I saw Lisa sitting earlier.

When I'm finally where I saw Lisa's spot, she wasn't there anymore.

The blanket she used earlier is now gone, she left already.

"You're really really stupid Jennie" I said to myself disappointed.

"Where are you Lisaaa?" I whispered.

I saw the guard sitting near where Lisa's spot earlier

"Hi sir good day, is it okay to ask you something?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" he said and smile at me.

"Did you saw a blonde girl earlier sitting on that spot?" I said and pointed where was Lisa's spot earlier.

"Oh yeah, the blonde girl with a bang?" He asked to confirm

"Yes, do you perhaps know where did she go?" I asked

"I saw her left earlier, looks like she's chasing someone, then after like about 15 minutes, she went back here, she looks so sad, and then she fold her blanket and left 2 or 3 minutes ago." The guard said and I thank him and run away to find her.

Pleasee Lisaaa, don't go anywhere yet pleasee.

I walk around the parking lot but I didn't saw her.

I even asked every people I passed but they don't know where she is.

I was so tired because of running and walking hoping to find lisa but I didn't find her.

I sat on the bench to take a rest for a while, when I saw a short hair blonde girl, she was about to enter her car but I run towads her and hold her wrist, but when she looked at me, it wasn't Lisa.

"I'm so sorry miss, I thought you were the one I'm finding" I said and bowed at her

"Its fine, I hope you find who's you're looking for" she said and hopped on her car and drove away

TAKE ME HOME (JENLISA)Where stories live. Discover now