Author's Note

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Main Character:
Roseanne Laurel Maeques
20 years old

Main Character:Roseanne Laurel Maeques20 years old

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Lorenzo Carl Bastorio
24 years old

     The story is set in an imaginary world during the very early 1900s, meaning, technology isn't really that great guys

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     The story is set in an imaginary world during the very early 1900s, meaning, technology isn't really that great guys. I only own the storyline but it might be inspired after reading some books and watching dramas. Also, I don't support wars or people fighting. I want peace to be spread around the world and I hope people could tell by reading through the perspective of our main characters. I tried to base this country a little off of France during that period, so please imagine that.

            Now, the storyline and the names of places and people are through my own imagination. This story is copyrighted and pictures I used for my story, or the people I used to portray my characters re my muses. I do not own them. And the things happening in the story has nothing to do with what is happening in real life right now or and relationship with it whatsoever. So please enjoy reading and be sure to comment, tell me your thoughts. Love you all and have fun!


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