Chapter 20

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Lorenzo's POV

"Listen up soldiers!" My voice boomed while staring down on all the men that were lined up in front of me. "I know that things haven't really been great these days, with the unknown disease breaking and swiping out numerous men not too long ago." Mumbling started to break out. What was Edward even doing before, these men can't even stay silent while their commander speaks.

"Silence!" I shouted, they all froze. "How was General Castro leading you guys, you can't even keep quiet while your commander speaks, how shall we expect you to stay silent if someone attacks and you need to hide out? You will just expose yourself and get yourself killed." I frowned at them. And by judging their expressions, even though it isn't obvious as it should be, they are scared of me right now.

             Since Romeo is sent back on break right since I am coming here, which I only found out when I got here, I can't even talk about this matter with him. Talk about the privileges of being a general, even though I have the same privileges. I wish I could still be on break though, I've been here for three months now and I feel like a part of me is empty the longer I am without Roseanne.

       God, I miss her so much.

        "Listen Boys," I called out. "Keep our guards up, yeah? As far as I know, anyone between you could be a spy, not that I am accusing, that is if you are one then know that things won't end well for you. But don't trust anyone too much, if you are involved in or told a military secret, keep it to yourself. Don't share it with your bunk mates, you are trusted with it for a reason." Why am I even talking about these things, I should just go back inside and take a rest, I miss my wife too much to be working right now.

           "Now before everyone goes back to their cabins, 5 laps around the camp is waiting for you." I gave one of them a knowing look as they nodded, telling him to lead the group for the run.

          "Turn left! The lap starts!" He shouted as footsteps that are in sync shook the camp grounds. Great, now I can go back to rest and dream about my wife, let's just hope that it's going to be a peaceful night.

Or maybe not.

"Sir!" I heard a familiar voice call out while I was laying in my bed, sleeping. I swear, if Andrew is here to deliver some useless information than he— "Sir, wake up, men are being attacked."

Wait, what!? I sat up immediately. What does he mean that men are being attacked? Our men or theirs? Why can't he just complete his sentences and not leave any information out?

Looking at him, I spoke. "Be more specific," He only stared at me, confused. This little- "Complete your sentences, god dammit." I groaned, frustrated. As my freaking secretary, or assistant at that, why can't he have fast reflexes, at least verbally.

         "Oh, sorry. Our men are being attacked by an enemy troop." He spoke.

         "Did you not send a small group to help?" I asked while slowly getting up and putting on my jacket.

          "Was I supposed to?" I sent him a glare. Of course he is! What is he even thinking!? "I-I mean, it is military law to get consent from generals or higher ups to send troops."

          "Then send a group! Now!" His eyes widened at my sudden outburst and rushed to the door. But before he went out, he turned to look at me with a sly smirk.

          "Looks like you can't even sleep properly without your wife huh?" He teased as I just sent him another glare.


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