Chapter 4

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Lorenzo's POV

        I smiled as the girl underneath me suddenly shut her eyes. She looks adorable.

        Maybe I didn't really think it through when I told her about the engagement, now thinking about it, it would be really weird to marry a guy you just met a couple hours ago. I wonder why she decided to agree to this? From what I learned about her from the past hour, Roseanne is a really logical person. She thinks before doing something.

         Unless she has thought it through and married me only to get information to write about out of my mouth. I'm not complaining though, it would be a shame if I let someone like her just slip away when I already have her in the palm of my hands. Literally.

         I found myself leaning down and connect my lips with hers. Her soft lips taste like......strawberries? I though we had oranges with sugar for dessert.

         Her entire body tensed up as I slowly moved my hands to caress her waist. She feels so small under my grasp, I wonder why? I moved my thumb gently along her curve, she slowly relaxed at the touch. Looks like my fiancé here has never been kissed before.

         I pulled away as she slowly opened her eyes, her long lashed fluttered as she did so. I could feel my heart drop. I think I'm starting to fall for my fiancé, is that something weird to say?

         "Damn sweetheart, you're addictive." I saw her cheeks flush before I went down and kissed her again, this time not as gently as I did before. I moved my hand to her cheeks and caressed them. They were warm and soft, she's just soft everywhere, isn't she?

         And I could feel myself losing control at every touch. How did Layla make friends with someone like Roseanne, and by the looks of it, they are very close, too. And that reminded me, how will I talk to Layla about this manner tomorrow? Should I just bring Roseanne with me? I'll think about that later.

          She slowly started to kiss back. Looks like my sweetheart here is a fast learner, not bad for a first timer. I used one of my hands to go down and caress her waist, giving her little pinch as she let out a light moan, opening her mouth bigger. Exactly what I wanted.

          I slid my tongue through her mouth as I feel her body tense up. Don't worry, you'll get used to this soon enough. She let out another moan as I grazed my tongue through the inner walls of her mouth, from her perfectly straight teeth to the inside of her cheeks. She tasted unsurprisingly sweet.

           She tapped on my shoulder as I could feel she was running out of breath. We'll have to work on that in the future then. I pulled away, there was a string of our saliva connected as I did so. She widened her eyes as pink painted her cheeks.

        "Are you okay?" I asked her as she just stared at me blankly, still trying to catch her breath. She nodded quickly then looked away, cheeks burning red, chewing on her bottom lip. A habit I seemed to notice when she gets nervous or embarrassed.

         "You look adorable." I breathed out. Roseanne's head shot towards me with widened eyes, staring straight into mine. And beautiful. I thought to myself.

          "You too." She whispered. I raised my brows at her, I don't think that's how you compliment a grown man.

          "You think I look adorable?" I wanted to laugh, do I?

          She shook her head and smiled sweetly. "You look handsome." She muttered softly.

          Oh god, save me! I feel like I might get a heart attack soon! Who will fend for this country if I did? I reached for a pillow and put it under her head, going back to kissing her right after.

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