Chapter 31

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Roseanne's POV

        I quickly exited the car after parking it in front of a very familiar house, taking Ellie out of the car with me then going straight to the door, knocking on it. The old lady opened the door with a surprised but delighted gasp, I just returned a small smile. "Hi grandma."

        "Roseanne, dear!" She exclaimed. "I didn't expect you to visit, and who is this lovely baby?" She looked towards Ellie and ran her hand over Ellie's tiny baby locks.

       "Yeah, I'm really sorry about this." I looked down in embarrassment. "But, um. This is Ellie, and she's my, I mean our daughter." I smiled and bounced the baby a little, making her giggle.

       "Oh my," the old woman covered her mouth in joy, immediately reaching out to take hold of the young infant in my arms.  "I didn't think you guys will have a baby this quickly, but didn't he go to war a bit over a year ago. But yet again, I just heard news about the war ending about a week or two ago. Speaking of that kid, where is he?" She leaned to look behind me, I guess she's trying to look for Lorenzo.

       "About that," My voice trailed off a little giving her a knowing look. I mean, she's his grandma, she needs to know about what happens sooner or later.

      "Oh dear," She stared back at me, "I'm so sorry." She came and immediately gave me a hug, urging me to go inside, and I did. I also told them everything, grandpa came in to join after he heard the commotion at the front door.

      "But, I'm planning to go and look for him myself." I told them, sipping on the hot cup of tea grandma made for me while Ellie was in her arms.

     "Roseanne, you know it's very dangerous out in the wilderness where they fought." Grandpa warned me, but I just acknowledged it, nodding my head. I think everyone knows that by now.

      "Well, I wasn't really planning to look for him there." The both of them gave me questioning looks. "I'm going with a small search party disguised as either journalists or scholars that are visiting the country after war in some small nearby towns, or we'll just say we are visiting family gravestones."

     "Oh, you smart girl." Grandma smiled at me, which I just returned. "Do you know where you'll go yet?"

      "We're going to start with the closest to the battlefield border, I think It was called Blaketown, or something like that." And hopefully our luck will show there. No matter what, we need to find him, dead or alive. I'm hoping that he's still alive though. He hasn't even seen his own daughter yet. 

      "And you're going to bring Ellie?" Grandma raised a brow at me.

      "About that," I chuckled, dryly. "I was going to ask if Ellie could stay here for the time being. You guys are her grandparents and it's pretty safe out here. But that's only if you two want to, I could bring her back home and ask mom to take care of her." Biting on my bottom lip, I don't even know why I am nervous.

      "Nonsense," Grandma hugged Ellie tighter, the young baby just stared back at me, confusion visible in her eyes. Like always. "You already brought her here."

      I just smiled at her. "Um, I brought some of her stuff. I'm not sure if it's going to be enough since I don't know how long I'll be gone for, but It should last a week or two, I think." I stood up. "Let me go get it."

     I ran outside to the car and took all of Ellie's baby necessities, bringing them inside the house. The two elders just stared at me, I'm probably a mess on the outside right now just as much as I am on the inside right now. How fun.

     "You brought a lot of things," Grandpa said, looking at the two large bags. "you sure this is for two weeks."

      "Um, not really." I chuckled. "Possibly a week and a half."

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