Chapter 24

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Lorenzo's POV

           Damn this.

           Damn everything.

           "Dad, what else does Roseanne want to keep from me?" I asked before poking my cheek using my tongue. As a married couple, we shouldn't be keeping anything from each other.

           "You'll have to ask your wife about that, I'm not sure." He answered truthfully.

           "We'll how am I supposed to talk to her when I can't even call her!?" I raised my voice a little. Being angry and furious can't even describe what I am feeling right now.

           "Young man, don't you raise your voice at me." I could already imagining him sitting up straight in that chair of his while frowning at me through the other side of the phone, but it doesn't bother me.

           "Well, if your wife didn't want to tell you that your child was just born, or rather that you have a child at all and you are fighting in a war, far away from home, won't you be angry? It's my child too dad, I think I have the rights to know."

            A sighed followed. "Lorenzo, you have to know where Roseanne is coming from."

           "Well, no one told me what she is thinking." Words won't even process before they splurge out of my mouth, that is how angry I am.

          "Just know that she's doing this for you." He said.

          For me? For me. Trying to keep away her pregnancy and birth of OUR child is something that she's doing for me. This is just a major joke.

          I scoffed before speaking to the phone again. "And how is she doing these things for me?"

         "She doesn't want you to be distracted, Lorenzo. And she doesn't want to affect you in anyway that has to do with family matters." He said.

         "Well, it did just affect me!" My voice boomed through the room.

         "Then finish up the war and come back! Put your entire soul into fighting the other country and then end everything, make them surrender and sign a treaty. You are a military prodigy, do you know that, no one has seen such talent in decades, centuries even." Great, we're back on this topic again.

        "And that has nothing to do with Roseanne trying to keep giving birth to our daughter a secret."

        "Lorenzo, try to understand things."

       "Sure." I scoffed. "I'll try to understand things. What's there not to understand? Am I right?"

       "Young Man, do not mock my words." His voice turned stern. "Now you will come up with a plan, battle tactics, and find ways to end things as soon as possible. And that is when you are allowed to come home and stay with your family. And also meet your daughter."

         Sighing. "How's Roseanne, dad?" I muttered into the phone. Even though she decided to keep things from me, she still is my wife, and that is my child that she was carrying and just gave birth to. I'm not there, but I still have to the responsibility.

         "She's doing fine, as best as she can considering she just gave birth." And what was that supposed to mean.

         "Elaborate please."

        "Lorenzo, you're wife is really weak after giving birth, apparently she lost a lot of blood after giving birth. But fortunately, the doctors were able tos top the blood and save her. So she needs to stay in bed and rest for some time while she has been officially diagnosed with anemia." I felt my heart drop at the information.

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