Chapter 22

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Roseanne's POV

"Is there anything that we should be cautious about or pay close attention to the next couple of months then, doctor." I heard a familiar female voice speak beside me while I had my eyes closed.

What happened?

"Just make sure that the mother isn't under any stress for the time being, she seems to be extremely stressed and just generally not in a good mood for the past couple of days, maybe even weeks which could have possibly led to her fainting." The doctor spoke. Wait, are they talking about me.

Now thinking about it, that voice does sound awfully like my mother in law's voice. Wait, what is happening, did I faint or something? Now thinking about it, I probably did. Wait, please don't tell me I'm in a hospital, I hate hospitals.

"Great. Thank you, doctor."

"My pleasure, I'll be taking my leave now, call me if anything happens to Mrs. Bartorio." Wait, since when did I agree to change my last name, wait, did I? Oh wait, I did, Lorenzo somehow convinced me to change it, or rather add it to the end of my original family name. Then I heard the door to the room I'm in open and close.

Slowly, I tried to open my eyes to be greeted with the white familiar looking ceiling. Great, I'm not in a hospital, so I should still be in the manor. The only problem is that, it looks to be day time already from the light that's shining through the window. Oh god, how long was I unconscious?

"You're awake dear?" I turned my head and squinted my eyes at the voice. Yup, just like my guess, mom's in the room.

I gave her a small smile. "Hi mom."

"Oh dear, you have no idea how worried we were. We thought you were seriously ill. How come you haven't told us?" She asked and sat down beside me.

I furrowed my brows. What is she even saying, tell her why I fainted? I want her to tell me since she was talking with the doctor earlier. "Tell you what, May I ask?"

"That you're pregnant of course!" She exclaimed. Wait, what!? I'm pregnant? Wait, but that's not right, I can't be...... "Don't tell me you weren't aware of this." She sighed.

"I-" I wanted to say something, but nothing came out of my mouth. I'm still trying to process the news.

I'm pregnant? That's great news right? I'm carrying Lorenzo's and my child, but why does it not feel right? He's still out at war while I am here beating his child, I'm sure that's not fair for him, he always wanted a family but because he's a general he can't come back. And if he ever finds out about this, I'm sure he'll find every way to come back as soon as possible to be with me, because he want's to see his wife going through pregnancy.

He wants to be part of the process, the journey of becoming a parent.

But he can't come back, I won't allow it. He needs to fight and lead the country to victory, with someone like him out there, it could be possible.

         "Sweetie, are you okay?" Mom asked.

        "Ahm," I bit my bottom lip, "I'm fine."

        "I should tell my husband to contact Lo-"

        I cut her off by grabbing her arm. "Please don't."

       "Sweetie, you are carrying his child and he is your husband, don't you think he has the right to know that he's going to be a father soon?"

       "I-I know." I took in a deep breath. "But, he would find a way to come back immediately, he can't just do that." I told her truthfully, he shouldn't, and I would never allow it. Even if it meant going through this pregnancy alone.

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