Chapter 1

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Roseanne' POV

"Hey Roseanne!" Layla walked up. "Here is some of the news I got for you today." She handed me a piece of paper with notes that she has wrote.

"Thank you." I smiled at her. It has been a month since we decided to start publishing an actual newspaper for the people of, at least, this city. The one that the press makes just constantly turns into gossip papers. It makes me want to laugh at how that actual got an approval to print.

Wait, why isn't Layla talking? I looked up at her, she looks annoy? "Are you okay, Layla?" I asked her.

"Of course I am. Do I not look okay to you?" I raised my brows at her response. If you did, would you think I'd ask about it. "Okay, fine! That annoying brat Lorenzo is coming back soon for a break or something, I don't know, but he wrote to me saying that he needs some help with something when he gets back and wants me to meet with him."

Lorenzo? Brat? Who is she talking- Wait! Does she mean that General that was on the news a couple weeks ago because he said he was going to pursue some girl? This would be much easier to get information, doesn't this just make her job easier? Why is she annoyed.

"Layla, that's a great way to gather some information." She looked at me weirdly. Did I say something wrong?

"That's not my concern right now, but thank you for reminding me. But the real problem is he doesn't ask for my help unless it's an emergency or something. Which means bad things happened if he asks for my help and thinking about it makes me question my friendship with him." I widened my eyes. She friends with him? That's absolutely amazing news!

"You're friends with him?" I smiled, standing up.

"Oh no." She frowned at me. "I know what you're thinking, if you want to interview him and ask about things do it yourself. He's really easy going. I hope." She said the last part silently. Heh, as if I care about that.

"But you guys are closer right? It's easier for him to tell you things rather than to me, shouldn't it be like that?" I asked her as she groaned, looking away.

"You won't stop till I say that I will do an interview with him, won't you?" She looked at me. I only nodded with a sarcastic grin. She knows me, what I want, what I get. "Fine. But it depends on what asks me to do, if it's something reasonable than I will do the interview. If not, than you'll do it yourself. Deal?"

If this is the only way, then fine. Why not. "Deal." I nodded.

"Okay, great. I'm going home, bye Roseanne. Take care!" And she went out the door that she came from.

This is going to be the first copy that we will publish. The past four weeks we haven't really done much. First we looked for a little apartment around town and bought that, decorated the inside and made it our little office to work on our papers. We bought two typewriters since Genevieve and I are probably going to be the only ones writing, mainly Genevieve. Layla is kind of like our reporter and Aria is in charge of printing and publishing. But by the looks of it, I guess I might also have to turn into a reporter.

I turned off the lamp and walked out after taking my bag with me. I locked the door behind me and smiled to myself. Looks like have got some things done today, let's just hope we'll be just as productive tomorrow as we were today.

It's June already, meaning summer is just around the corner. Literally. It turns summer on the 21st, I think. I could feel the night breeze blow through my hair, this is calming. As I walked out to the streets, people are all walking around under the street lamps.

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