Chapter 28

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Lorenzo's POV


            With a sigh. "Come in." 

            The guy bowed at me followed by a salute. I shouldn't take these things for granted, but I am so sick of people greeting me the same way everyday. a bow followed by a salute. It's the twentieth time today a single person has came into my office and greeted me like that. I just can't wait to return home and get greet by a hug from my wife, and possibly another one.

            "What is it now?"

            "Everything is already in place, should we start recording the surrendering of Chorona?" 

            A quick follow up.

            After our plan succeeded with the ladies a bit more than a month or two ago, we were able to keep the enemies tied up, not literally, but under our control. Still feeding them and keeping them alive of course, we want them to surrender. And through multiple threats that we sent to their officials in their capital, they have finally agreed to an official surrender, where they have papers to sign and also treaties to sign. Debts that they need to pay us are also written in some papers. 

           But something about this all feels too easy, too simple and unreal. Choronians are known for not giving up, especially in fighting people, I'm literally not kidding. While we like to negotiate and talk things out, they wouldn't care about anything but to start fight, only one shall live, in their logic. So, just to make sure they don't pull anything, we have stationed smaller troops all around the building and also inside, incase they don't go according to plan and surrender, we'll just have to find a way to force it.

         I gave him a look like he's crazy. "The official surrender starts at Three in the afternoon, it's only one right now, the things needed are not ready yet even though the people are, what do you mean start recording?" Who even sent him to ask this?

        "Sorry sir! I was sent by General Romeo." Wait a minute, who even told him to address this higher ups by their first name, no one addresses Romeo by Romeo in the military, especially if it is about work. not even us, his considered friends.

      I looked up from the documents I am proof reading, just to make sure this correct in every way. we can not mess this up now, not when we are so close to succeeding and going home. Now looking at him closely, he looks unfamiliar. not that I know every man we have in this camp, that will be nearly impossible, we have thousands of people, but I am sure I could at least recognize their faces once I see them. This guy here is just plain unrecognizable. And this close to the end of a war, the government won't send in new people or recruit new people. And if they o, they notify the people in charge first, one of them being me.

       "Never, address a general by their first name." I stood up and walked closer to him. For all I know, this kid could be a spy. If he is, then he sure is stupid, how did he even become one? "Tell me, who sent you again?" 

      "General Castor." He said firmly, not looking at me in the eyes. Well, he certainly didn't't do his homework. 

     "You are telling me Romeo Castor sent you?" I asked him, raising one of my brows. Oh, if this isn't such a serious situation then I would be laughing.

      "Yes, sir." He gave a slight nod.

     "He was the one who organized the time for the surrender." I let out a dark chuckle. "Who sent you?"

      This kid decided it was a good idea to throw a quick punch, I moved out of the way fast enough to avoid it and took hold of his arm that he threw out and threw him on the ground, facing the floor while his arm on his back, I placed my foot on him to keep him from moving. I wasn't top of the academy for no reason.

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