Roseanne's POV
"Oh, look at what we have here." I heard some girls speak behind me. Great, I can't even read in peace, now can I?
Smiling, I stood up, turned around and greeted them. "Good afternoon, ladies. The weather is great today, isn't it?" Setting the book I was reading on the bench I was previously sitting on.
"Reading again Roseanne? Really?" She snickered. "Which man would want to marry you? Not doing your chores, carrying books around and reading all day."
Oh, so we're talking about this again. "I'm sorry, but doesn't that make it easier for you? If I don't have any man courting me doesn't that mean there might be more men in line for you?" I asked her.
She widened her eyes as a smiled plastered on her face. "That's right!" Oh my, why do girls want to get married so badly nowadays. You'll lose your freedom to a man and possibly a child.
"I said 'might'." The smile on her face shattered as my word sank into that mind of hers. Geez, I swear. I could literally see her face turning red, what's there to be mad about anyways. I'm telling the truth.
"Roseanne! You little-"
"Hey! Keep your mouth shut while you can sweetie." Aria shouted cutting them off as she walked up to us. Thank god for her arrival.
"Why are you guys picking on Roseanne again about her reading books? I though you girls learned your lesson already?" She raised a brow at them as I just smiled. The girls just glared at her then stormed off, lifting their dresses slightly with their hands, hair flowing behind them. What's the pointing of wearing those thick dresses anyways, having a portable sauna?
"You okay?" She looked at me as I just smiled. Of course I am.
"What did they say to you? They didn't hurt you, did they?" She sat down on the bench and looked at my book.
"No, they didn't. Just the same old reading gets you no husband stuff. Kind of boring honestly." I sat down beside her after giving a shrug.
Aria sighed. "Yeah, it's sad that we live in a society where they think that girls are there to get married, have children and do chores. Reading and education isn't that important. It's toxic. Good thing your parents are opened minded though." She slumped down a bit and closed her eyes. "We also are expected to wear these uncomfortable dresses everyday and be happy about it, smile to every person we see."
I laughed. "See, I'm Fine wearing this."
"Yeah, what you wear everyday is basically what some girls wear to bed. Of course it's comfortable." She rolled her eyes jokingly as I just chuckled. Yeah, that's Aria alright.
"How come you knew I was here?" I asked her, turning my head.
"Because you always are?" She chuckled. "Why are you always here anyways, waiting for a special someone?" I rolled my eyes. What is it with me being asked about men?
"Well, what do you think? Of course not, you know I like reading here." Grabbing my book, I opened up to the previous page I was reading.
"You are 20 though. Half of the girls your age has already given birth while you're still single." She slightly laughed. "Even I have a suitor."
"Not a suitor anymore, a boyfriend I presume?" She blushed.
"He's from the military, a marshal." She told me. What the, what if he-

I'll Come Back, Always
FanficWill the Military General be able to comeback to his love even though he is constantly needed at the frontline, fighting for their country?