Chapter 37

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Roseanne's POV

    After we got home from the, how should I put this, eventful evening? Definitely is one if you ask me. Lorenzo went to freshen up, I should as well after him, but instead of staying inside and waiting for my turn, I decided it was a good idea to go into the back gardens.

     I should sort my feelings out first. Be rational is what I'm supposed to do, you've been doing so well for the last couple of months, almost year even, yet you start breaking down when everything is coming together. Why is this happening?

     Maybe I should just let go of all those events, and live happily. I have a loving family, friends that care deeply about me and even though it was hard earned, a peaceful country that many sacrificed their lives for. I should suck it up and be happy. Plus, actually thinking about it, there are no threats to my relationship other than myself and my overthinking brain.

     Sighing, I walked over to the bushes of roses in a large corner of the garden. They're so pretty.

     It is dark out, clear sky with the moon shining down, light reflecting on the leaves and petals, making them glow in an unreal essence. But we do have lanterns all around the garden, being the main source of light.

      "Roseanne?" I turned around at the voice, Lorenzo was walking towards me, very worried.

      "Um, did you finish?" I asked, avoiding his gaze. "I'll go now."

      I was about to move, but he just grabbed my arm, putting me in place. I looked up, raising a brow at him to question his action. I'm going to take a shower? "Hey, are you okay?"

     I just nodded without thinking. "I am."

     He stared at me unconvinced but nodded anyways, pulling me against him into a hug, breathing in my scent. "Lorenzo," I tried to pull away, but failed. "I haven't showered yet."

     "You scared the shit out of me earlier, are you aware of that?" He looked down at me, pulling my chin up to forcefully make eye contact. I could feel my heart fluttering at the gesture, what is wrong with me, I've been married to this man for more than a year already. And during such a serious topic as well.

      "I'm sorry." I answered back.

     His eyes just softened at me. "You know, you could talk to me if anything is bothering you. As long as I'm home, you could always come to me. Always." I let out a small smile, nodding.

     "I do."

     "Good." He answered back, we just stayed like that for a while, in the silence that surrounded us while staying in the back garden. "Do you want to stay out here longer, or you actually want to go take a shower?" He finally broke the silence.

     "I should shower, it's getting kind of late." And he guided me inside, to our bathroom. He could've let me just walked up alone, but he decided to stay with me.

     "I could go alone." I almost chuckled.

     He just scoffed at what I said. "The last time I left you alone it didn't really end well." I think he meant it to be much nicer, but I couldn't help myself but to wince at his words. How harsh.

     "What do expect me to do? Jump out the second floor bathroom? Or do you expect me to drown myself, heads up, I'm too much of a coward to commit." I raised a brow at him, he just started laughing at me. What's so funny? In return, I gave him another frown.

      "Why?" He asked me in between laughs.

      "I should ask you the same thing. Why are you laughing?" 

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