Chapter 25

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Roseanne's POV

Being a mother is great. You wake up when the sun still haven't rose yet and go to bed the same time as your child goes to bed, or even later to be honest. But all is rainbows and sunshine again once you see your baby giggling and smiling at you.

"Darling, aren't you tired?" I rocked Eleanor, our daughter, in my arms. Simply because she just won't fall asleep even though it's almost midnight. People usually fall asleep before this time.

But in return, she gave gave me a smile as her eyes reflected the light shone by the lamp. I am so lucky to have such an easy child, I just hope Lorenzo will be here to see all of this. But what can I say, everyone who lives within the boarder of the country needs him right now.

"Oh your father will be so delighted to see you right now." I smiled at her. "Now go to bed darling, you still have the rest of your life to explore the world with these pretty eyes of yours."

She cooed at me.

"Ellie, you need to sleep, just close your eyes like this." I gently closed her eyes lids for her as she giggled, the sound of her just makes my heart swell. Such a bundle of joy.

And she opened them again the moment I took my hand off her eyes. I let out a groan and sat down on the bed. Why is it so hard to get a child to fall asleep, she has been awake all day, shouldn't she be tired by now. I mean, I am extremely tired.

Maybe I should just try to sleep while holding her in my arms. Wait, no, I shouldn't leave a new born around the age of 2 to 6 months unattended, at least that is what my mother has told me. I should listen to her advice, right?

"Okay, Eleanor. I love you an all but you need to sleep now or I am not going to be very happy with you, in the morning as well. So, as an irresponsible parent right now, I am going to leave you in the crib next to my bed, and you will stay there until you fall asleep. Do you understand?" She only stared back at me.

Oh, of courses doesn't understand. Firstly, she is a newborn baby. Second, according to scientific studies, her hearing might not have fully developed. Or was it her eyes that aren't fully developed? All this motherhood and pregnancy things have just messed up my brain! I'm not complaining though.

"Oh don't look at me like that." I frowned at her. "I was serious though, sleep."

I heard a knock at the bedroom door suddenly. Great, who is it now? Shouldn't they be asleep though, I have a baby keeping me up, but the other people that I know don't really have children, let alone a newborn baby.

"Come in." I spoke lightly. I don't even know why I'm trying not to raise my voice too much, the two of us are basically the only ones living in this house right now, along with a guard at the gates and two house helpers who should have gone home already by this time since I told them to.

The door to the room I am in slowly opened and revealed Genevieve. Doesn't she sleep, why is she here in the middle of the night? I thought we had a paper to publish tomorrow, or is it supposed to be today. Oh no, what day is it today?

"Hi Roseanne, oh my, you look like a mess." She gave me THAT look.

"Good evening to you too Genevieve, or should it be morning by now?" I gave her a sarcastic smile. For someone who hasn't slept at all yet, it is very late.

"Yeah, sorry about this. I didn't really want to go home so I decided that I could come and stay here, maybe I could help you too since you send back the house keepers, or rather the helpers at this time." She said.

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