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The ride home was unsurprisingly silent and I squirmed in my seat, wishing I knew what Logan was thinking. I couldn't think of a single thing that I could say to him. I'd ambushed him and risked his life. He had every right to hate me but I hoped that he cared about me enough to not hurt me.

The tense silence was overwhelming and I could hardly breath when the SUV finally rolled to a stop. I stayed completely still, wishing I could disappear when he finally turned to look at me. I swallowed harshly. "Loga-."

I was cut off when he curled his hand around my bicep and tugged me across the backseat of the car and out the door. I stumbled, nearly ending up on the floor. He started towards the house, taking long strides that had me staggering alongside him, struggling to keep up with his fast pace.

His men observed us as they followed out of the vehicles, all of them drenched in blood. They weren't the only ones. My trousers were coated in the blood of the men I'd shot and Logan had dark red splatters across his face. The sickly scent lingered in my nose and I couldn't wait to shower and rid myself of any reminders of what had just happened.

I expected Logan to lead me to his office but instead, he started up the stairs to his bedroom. Once we were inside, he dropped his hold on me and locked the door behind us. He brushed passed me, standing in the window with his back to me. I could see his shoulders rising and falling as he tried to steady his breathing, his fists clenched at his sides.

I swallowed down my nerves and plucked up the courage to ask him the question that plagued my mind. "Do you hate me?" I asked him.

He scoffed, turning torturously slowly to face me. "What the hell were you thinking?" He hissed, clenching his jaw as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry," I told him sincerely.

"Sorry?" He questioned, "you're sorry?" I nodded but he simply shook his head, prowling towards me. "You led me into an ambush to have me killed! Don't you remember what I do to people who try to kill me?"

He stepped closer, stopping just before me and I opened my mouth to speak. My mouth was so dry that no sound came out. Logan slammed his fist into the wall above my head and I flinched, squeezing my eyes shut when he lowered his face so his lips brushed my ear. "I kill them, Mia," he hissed softly, "slowly and painfully."

My eyes burned with tears and I nodded slowly, understanding his words. He couldn't let me get away with this. I'd betrayed him and now he was going to kill me. "I really am sorry," I told him, opening my eyes to look at him. I needed to see how genuinely guilty I felt.

"How did you know him?" He demanded to know.

"He was at the hospital," I told him, "He was the one that ordered the attack on my sister. He said he wanted to lure me out so I could help him. He threatened to kill Ashley if I didn't," I rushed out, pleading with him to understand.

His lip curled. "Why didn't you tell me?" he growled, "why didn't you tell me the second you met him?"

It was my turn to scoff. "I couldn't put my sister's life in your hands like that," I explained, "I couldn't trust you, not with her life on the line. And was I wrong, really?" I asked him. "Would you have risked your life to keep my sister safe."

He studied me for a long time, his expression emotionless. "I would've for you," he whispered, reaching his hand out to brush my cheek. My eyes fell shut. His words made my chest warm and the feeling of his skin against mine made me tingle. "You should've known that."

I opened my eyes, looking into his softened eyes with a frown. "I wasn't under the impression that you would do anything for me."

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, gently brushing them. His warm breath fanned over my skin and his hands moved to hold my waist. "I'd do anything for you."

He looked directly into my eyes and I reached up to press my lips to his, licking and sucking at his lower lip while his hands roamed my body. He backed me up until I was pressed against the wall and his hands moved to my ass, squeezing it until I moaned. I lifted my legs around his waist while he deepened the kiss, his tongue clashing with mine in my mouth.

He groaned, sending vibrations through me. "Promise me something," he grumbled, pulling away and grasping my chin in his hand. I nodded; my mind dazed from the intense kiss. "Don't ever put yourself in danger like that again. You could've been killed." My eyes widened. I'd expected him to tell me never to lie to him or keep something from him again. I certainly hadn't expected him to be annoyed about me being at risk.

I stayed silent, staring up at the man in front of me in awe. "Promise me, Mia," he ordered, brushing my lip with his thumb.

When I nodded, it was like a switch had been flipped and Logan crashed his mouth against mine. He hoisted me up higher on his hips, grinding his erection into me and I moaned. He carried us to the bed, throwing me down so that I bounced, my hair splayed around me. He peeled away my shirt and then glanced down, freezing. "Were you hurt?" he snapped; eyes fixed on the deep red stain on my leggings.

"No," I assured him, reaching back up to kiss him again. Once he was satisfied, he ripped away the rest of my clothing as well as his own before climbing onto the bed above me. I reached up to taste his lips again and he pushed me back, making me pout.

He smirked, licking his lips. "Beautiful," he muttered under his breath.

I took the opportunity to memorise every detail of his body. His broad shoulders, his muscled arms and ripped stomach. I reached up to brush my hands over his smooth pecs and down to the ink decorating his forearms. He was perfect. Even the parts of him that were decorated in battle scars.

I trailed my hand down towards his thick cock resting against his stomach. I licked my lips at the sight. He was massive, bigger that I could've imagined. The second my hand brushed his tip, he curled his hands around my wrists and pinned them above my head. He held both wrists in one of his large hands while his other moved to open the bottom drawer of his bedside table. My stomach flipped when he pulled out a pair of handcuffs and a smirk crossed his lips when he looped them through the headboard before snapping them around my wrists.

I squirmed. In this position, my breasts were pressed forward and he eyed them, lust sparkling in his eyes. He trailed his hand down the front of me, brushing over my them lightly. I tried to push my chest forward, needing more, but he pushed me back, trapping me beneath him. He continued his journey down my body, trailing over my navel before stopping just above my pussy. I could feel it throbbing desperately and I hated myself for reacting to the simplest of touches like this.

"Logan," I whined when he continued to tease me. I was already soaked.

"Hmm," he hummed, "look how desperate you are," he commented with a smirk, swiping his fingers along my opening and gathering my juices.

But looking down, I could see I wasn't the only one who needed this. "Almost as desperate as you," I shot back, eyeing the pre-cum that started to drip down his massive length.

His growl was the only warning I got before he grasped my ankles and forced them upwards, bending me so my knees rested on my shoulder. He held me in that position with one hand and smacked my ass with his other. Hard.

"You'll pay for that," he grumbled, eyes blazing.

I grinned. "Good, it'll give me the chance to make today up to you."

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