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When I next woke, Logan had asked Fiona to bring up a large cooked breakfast. I wolfed it down quickly, appreciating every delicious mouthful after living off lumpy oatmeal every few days for the past couple of weeks. It didn't take long until my plate was empty and I was being dragged down to the hospital for a checkup.

When Logan had told me there was a hospital in his house, I assumed he meant a room with a bed and a partly qualified nurse to tend to someone if necessary.

Instead, their were around 10 rooms, each with 2 beds in and enough nurses and doctors to aid a room full of patients. The walls were all plastered white and the strong aroma of disinfectant overwhelmed the small scent of blood. A lady sat at a desk by the door, nodding to Logan as he passed.

"What do you need a fully functioning hospital in your house for?" I asked him as I stared with a dropped jaw.

He didn't break his long strides as he replied. "Sometimes my guys get hurt," he muttered. "Its easier to treat them here rather than at a real hospital where questions are asked."

I nodded, realising that made a lot of sense, and continued to gawk. The walls, floors and ceiling were painted white and a large white light swung overhead. The entire place was pristine, just like a regular hospital and the staff were dressed in blue uniforms. A few of the rooms were occupied and pained groans sounded from inside them.

Logan took me into a room and sat on a seat beside me while needles were poked into my arms and machines around me beeped. Unsurprisingly, I was given the all clear, the only problem being that I was severely undernourished.

I was told to rest and eat and come back a couple of weeks later for more tests and ten minutes later, I was back in bed. Logan threatened to tie me down if I tried to leave his bed for the next week or so and with that, disappeared to get some work done.

It didn't take long until I was drifting off into a deep sleep.


A week of bedrest passed quickly. Towards the beginning, I spent the majority of my time catching up on some much needed sleep. In the mornings, Fiona would deliver a plate of breakfast for me and one for Logan and we would eat together - mostly in silence since I was too hungry to talk - and then he would leave me to get some rest while he worked.

Slowly, I slept less and less, starting to watch television during the day, still from the comfort of Logans bed. We thenstarted eating in the dining room again and Logan worked during the day while Iwatched television or walked around the gardens.

Every now and then, I'd awake in the middle of the night after a bad dream, screaming or crying from the memories of waiting to be sold. Logan hadn't lied when he said he would make it all up to me. He had comforted me whenever I had a bad dream, holding me against him and talking softly with me until I fell back asleep.

During the days he would come and check on me, bringing me drinks or snacks. He'd bought me a collection of books to read to pass the time and when I wasn't lost in a story, I was on the phone to my sister. My father and sister didn't know about the auction and I'd decided to keep it that way. It would only worry Ash and annoy my dad and I didn't want to risk him starting a war with Logan over it.

A few days before my hospital visit, I wondered through the house, trying to find Logan. I hadn't seen him since breakfast this morning and it was now late afternoon. He wasn't in his office when I checked and I'd asked one of the guards and he had told me he hadn't left the house. He'd been pretty busy recently, coming and going quite a lot of the time. 

I entered to kitchen and a couple of maids froze at the sight of me entering. "Miss?" one them called, "can we help you?"

"Have you seen Logan?" I asked her.

She shifted a little uncomfortably. "He's um... he's downstairs, Miss," she answered quietly, nodding towards the basement door. I nodded in understanding, gathering my strength before heading towards the door. I made my way through the darkness, ignoring the comments and cat-calls coming from the cells either side of me.

I approached a door at the end of the hallway, hearing his voice booming from the other side as well as pained groans. I shoved the heavy door open, holding my breath as I prepared myself for whatever I was about to walk into. Inside, Logan stood in the centre of the room, his broad back to me. Around the room were four familiar figures, all groaning in pain while soldiers beat and stabbed at them. I cringed at the amount of blood flowing across the concrete floor and the sickly metallic smell.

One of the guards froze when his eyes landed on me and Logan squared his shoulders. "Did I say stop?" He growled out and I rolled my eyes.

The guard stared at me for a moment longer before refocusing on Damien, who was a mess of blood at his feet. Slowly, Logan turned, a frown on his face when he spotted me. "What are you doing down here?" He asked, stepping closer until he blocked my view of the slaughter behind him. "You're supposed to be on bed rest."

I shrugged, leaning around him to peer at the men who glared back at me, each with blood smeared across their skin. "They're still alive?" I had expected him to have killed them by now but he nodded.

"Remember when I told you how long I would drag out someone's death if they tried to kill me?" He asked and I nodded, incapable of forgetting his horrifically detailed account. A smirk crossed his face as he glanced back at the men. "They'll wish they had tried to kill me."

I couldn't help but smile, knowing that I was important to him made my chest warm, even if his way of showing it was through torture and murder.

"In that case," I said, glancing back at the men, "you might want to drag his torture out a little longer," I said, nodding towards David's passed out body.

Logan frowned, clenching his fists. "Why? What did he do?"

All I could do was glance up at Logan, a frown of my face. My eyes watered as I thought back to the morning of the auction. His expression hardened and he nodded, turning his back to me. He cleared his throat, gaining the attention of every one of his soldiers. "I'll be back tomorrow. Make sure you don't kill any of them, I'm not done." He took my hand and pulled me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked him as he led me back upstairs and through the kitchen.

"You're supposed to be in bed," he reminded me, shooting me a glare over his shoulder.

"If you want me to stay in bed, maybe you should make it worth my while," I suggested under my breath, aware that there were always guards around, listening in.

Logan froze at the top of the stairs, his eyes darkening as he gazed down at me. "Careful what you wish for," he growled before swooping me up into his arms and carrying me up to the third floor.

I was tossed carelessly onto the bed and before my mind could even register what was happening, he had pinned my wrists to the bed and was climbing on top of me. His lips smashed against mine, roughly parting them before his teeth sunk into my bottom lip.

He pulled away and gazed down at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "Now then, do I give you a reason to stay in bed or do I punish you for leaving it?" He questioned aloud and I grinned.

"I don't care, either way I won't be wanting to leave again," I promised before his mouth clasped over mine once again and his hand started tearing off my clothes.

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