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"Are you okay?" Logan asked me that evening. I'd spent the rest of the day with my sister. Neither of us had said much. We'd overheard enough of the conversation between our dad and Logan to confirm everything. He was responsible for our mother's death. He gave the order. He's the reason she's gone.

The pain was like nothing I'd ever felt before. I just wanted to reach into my chest and claw my own heart out to offer some relief. I'd struggled to eat, barely having the appetite. If it wasn't for the fact I was carrying two children, I wouldn't have been able to stomach a single bite of my food.

I shrugged in response to Logan's question, approaching where he sat on the bed. "How's your sister?" he asked instead.

"She's... digesting everything," I answered. She hadn't said much about how she felt but the look in her eyes was so dim and hopeless it pained me even more.

"And you?"

I perched on the edge of the bed. "I'm lost," I told him. "I just don't understand. He was always such a good father. He loved my mother and he always protected us. And now, I find out he killed her, willingly gave me away and then he tried to hurt my children. What am I supposed to do now?"

He shook his head and reached for my hand. "Take some time," he said, squeezing it gently. "He'll go on trial next week. The punishment for murder is death but if you want me to spare him, I'll figure something out. He won't be allowed to go free but he can stay locked up."

I could taste bile in my mouth as I finally raised my gaze to meet Logan's. "I don't think I care," I told him, the guilt heavy in my chest. "Does that make me awful?"

He shook his head instantly. "Of course not. After what he's put you through, you're entitled to be angry."

A tear spilled down my cheek and I stared at him, willing the words to leave my mouth. "I wouldn't feel safe. He's made it clear he's willing to hurt our children to get to you. I don't ever want to risk it."

He only nodded, pulling me towards him and kissing me softly. I fell into him completely, snaking my hands up to grasp the hair on the back of his head. "Make me forget," I begged him, holding his mouth against mine so he wouldn't pull away.

His tongue swiped along my lower lip before he tilted his head, creating a small space between us. "Mia," he groaned, his control already withering.

I batted my eyelashes and pressed my body towards his. "Please?" I moaned before reclaiming his lips. His movements were slow, controlled, at first but I crawled up onto my knees and moved my hand to trail down his front. "Please fuck me until I can't remember anything."

He broke. He manoeuvred us so I was lay on my back beneath him, never detaching his lips from mine. He sped up, licking and sucking my sore lower lip before starting to trail down my jaw and neck. Every now and then, he nipped at my skin and I moaned when his tongue soothed the marks that he left behind.

He yanked my top off before diving down and latching his mouth around my breast. I writhed beneath him, knowing I was already wet and aching for him. He sucked hard before moving across and giving my other nipple the same attention. I moved my hands back to his hair, tugging on it desperately. "I need more."

He bit down on my sensitive nipple. Hard. I yelped; my breathing rugged as he licked a trail up to my throat. "Who's in charge here?" He growled.

I couldn't help but squirm in excitement. "You are," I breathed and I felt his smirk against my skin.

"Exactly. Show some respect or I'll flip you over and spank your pretty ass; pregnant or not."

I bit my lip and nodded in submission, seeing the twinkle in his eyes before he pulled away my leggings and underwear. I shivered in anticipation. "Open your legs," he ordered and I did as told, letting them fall apart so he could see all of me.

He climbed off the bed and eyed me greedily, licking his lips and making me clench in anticipation. He started to undress and it was my turn to eye him. He was so big, so hard and ready and I could feel my arousal dripping down my thighs.

He stepped back between my legs and without warning, he pushed into me with one fluid motion. I moaned from the relief. He filled every inch of me and my head fell back at the pleasure that washed over me when he started to rock gently. I knew the gentle, loving movements would only last so long. He was concerned about the babies but he had only so much restraint and soon, he would be giving me exactly what I needed.

My eyelids fluttered when his thumb brushed my clit and I moaned, watching his Adams apple bob up and down at the sound. I clenched my walls around him, needing more. "Fuck," he hissed under his breath and I clenched again, rocking my hips up to meet his thrust so his balls clapped against my ass. "Fucking hell," he growled and I tried to conceal my smirk when he started to pick up the pace.

"More," I begged, blinking up at him.

He shook his head, his eyes squeezing shut as he slowed down once again. "I'm trying to be gentle," he groaned and I grinned.

"I don't want gentle," I told him with a shake of my head, "I want you to fuck me."

It was like he snapped. He started to pump in and out of me faster, deeper. His hips slapped against mine and the sound echoed through the room. I cried out, feeling him hit my g-spot over and over. The breath caught in my lungs and all I could do was stare at him, lost in his dark, stormy eyes that were blazing with lust.

My stomach tightened and my eyes fell closed when he started to play with my clit again. He circled it with two fingers, spreading my juices around. I lifted my hips to meet each deep and hard thrust, calling his name.

I shattered beneath him on one powerful thrust, my whole body convulsing. He didn't slow down, pummelling in and out of me in a steady rhythm. I clenched around him again, my limbs shaking as my orgasm doesn't seem to come to an end. He simply smirked before smashing his lips against mine. "Careful what you wish for darling," he growled into my mouth.

I spasmed beneath him, bouncing from every thrust. My nails dug into his shoulders to hold him in place and I screamed when he started to roll my clit between his fingers. "Oh, God, please!"

"So wet," he murmured, his breathing harsh and irregular.

I fell apart again when he hit deep inside of me in quick successions. I cried, the sound lost when his mouth slammed against mine and he slid his tongue into my mouth. I was overwhelmed by him and when his body tensed, I felt him completely fill me with cum. "Fuck," he growled into my mouth.

I continued to tremble beneath him, my orgasm refusing to end. I was coated in a layer of sweat, tears dotting my eyes from how intense my orgasm was. He panted above me, staring down with a soft look in his eye while I also tried to catch my breath. "Are you okay?" he asked, a hint of nerves in his voice.

I smiled and nodded. "Better than okay," I told him and he leant down to peck my lips.

He pulled out of me and disappeared from the bed. When he returned, he held a damp cloth and started to clean my thighs. I felt my chest warm at the gesture and I smiled up at him, the man that I was in love with, the father of my children, my rock through everything. 

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