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"Logan?" My dad questioned, a clear edge to his voice. Reluctantly, I broke my glare from Stacey and turned to see the man standing at the door.

My eyes bugged out of their sockets when they landed on the figure filling the doorway. He towered above my father, nearly hitting his head on the frame of the door. Blatantly large muscles bulged beneath a sharp, pristine suit.

His face appeared to be carved from granite, remaining completely emotionless as his dark eyes scanned the room. The second the black, soulless orbs met mine, a chill travelled down my spine and I shivered. His sharp jaw could slice through bone and was clenched just like his fists as he turned back to my father.

"Archor." His voice was deep and harsh, filled with anger and hatred, making me wince.

His presence was extremely intimidating. One look at him told me whatever was happening wouldn't end well and a pit started to form in my gut. Behind him, two men also entered the house, both dressed in suits with blank expressions on their faces. I shrank backwards into my seat and even Stacey shut her mouth and started eating the dinner she had just been complaining about.

"What's going on Boss? Why are you here?" My dad asked, making sure to stand between the three men and us. My eyes widened further when I realised this was the leader of the Italian mafia. I'd heard plenty of stories about him, Logan Sternato, the youngest ever Don, at only 25 years old, cold, calculating and incredibly intelligent. He was ruthless and didn't tolerate anyone stepping out of line.

"I want my money," he stated simply, raising an eyebrow at my father.

"The deadline isn't until next week," my dad protested, his tone frantic as he stared at Logan and his men. Each month, the capos in the mafia had to hand over the money their men had made, however, one of my father's drug shipments was stolen by some rival soldiers and he'd struggled to make the money back in time. Logan's second in command usually collected the money and had offered my father an extra month to earn it back. He had managed to gain a large sum – although I didn't ask how, I didn't really want to know – and Ashley and I had given him our wages for the month, but it was nowhere near enough and his extension had apparently ended.

"No, it's today," Logan answered, his expression still completely blank. "You have until midnight if you really need it but I have had a long day so the sooner the better."

My dad hesitated, glancing over his shoulder to me and Ashley who sat watching the exchange nervously. "I don't have it yet," he finally admitted quietly. 

Logans eyebrows knitted - the first change in his expression since he arrived. "Then we have a problem," he stated, briefly glancing around the room before meeting my father's eyes once again.

"I will have it in a week," he promised, his tone so sure and confident despite our doubts.

"The deadline was today," Logan replied monotonously.

"I can pay you what I have and will give you the rest as soon as I have it," dad offered, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"Not good enough. I don't give second chances Archor, you know that." His expression was still as hard as rock and his voice sent shivers down my spine. "You will have to pay me another way."

My father stared for a while, taking in Logan's words. "What do you want?" He finally asked and for the first time since arriving, Logan's expression broke into a smirk.

"Well, that money was very important to me, " he continued, walking slowly around the dining table, never taking his eyes off my dad. "So, I will take something important to you."

My dad looked utterly helpless as Logan came to a stop behind Stacey and opposite Ash and I. From this angle, I could see the gun that was tucked into his suit jacket and my heart raced a little quicker in my chest.

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