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Despite my exhausted limbs, I managed to follow Logan into the bathroom. He had to hold me up while we both washed the blood and cum off our skin. He scrubbed me clean, smirking at the sight of my used and marked body. I couldn't stop yawning and didn't have the energy to question Logan when he dried me off and carried me back to his bed.

Isimply drifted into a deep slumber, buried in Logans extremely comfortable bed.When I woke up, the moonlight filtered through the half drawn curtains, shedding rays of silver light across the otherwise dark room. I glanced to my left and the clock read three thirty in the morning. 

I turned onto my side, my gaze landing on Logan. He was facing me, the covers draped over his waist and his arm sprawled out towards me. We were both still naked and I took the opportunity to study his sculpted body, the moonlight casting shadows over his large muscles. He looked like a God; large, muscular and powerful. 

I shuffled a little and winced at the pain rocketing through me. My pussy was bruised and felt strangely empty without him inside of me. Marks littered the top half of my body, from my neck to my breasts. Logan was right when he said he wouldn't be gentle and I'd loved every minute of his hard, fast fucking.

I was exhausted and my limbs were weak from his abuse but my mind was plagued by nightmares. Images of men bleeding out at my feet flashed through my mind and screams echoed in my ears. I'd been startled awake when the sound of gunshots in my dreams had become overwhelming. I now curled my arms around my knees and stared out of the window, trying to stay awake. 

"What's wrong?" Logan suddenly asked and I jumped from the sound of his voice.

I turned to see he had rolled onto his back and now watched me with furrowed brows. "Sorry," I said, "did I wake you?"

He shook his head, lifting himself into a sitting position. "No," he said, "you didn't. What's wrong?" He shifted into the stream of moonlight and I stared in awe for a moment at the hard features of his face.

I turned my back to him and stared out at the full moon glittering in the sky. "I um... I had a nightmare," I admitted quietly.

My eyes fell closed when his warm hand brushed my waist, pulling me backwards towards him. "Talk to me," he said, running his fingers up and down my sides. The moment felt sweet and I didn't want to ruin it by talking but the events of the day continued to replay in the forefront of my mind.

With a shaky breath, I leant back against his solid chest and told him what was bothering me. "I shot people," I muttered, tears filling my eyes. "I might've killed someone." There were so many bodies on the ground of the cemetery that it was hard to know if I'd killed any of them or if it was Logan and his men. All I knew was that I had pulled the trigger and shot a number of men.

"It was self-defence," Logan stated, tightening his arms a little.

"What if I killed them?" I whispered.

"They were bad people Mia, I knew them well and I promise you that you did the world a favour." He stroked his thumbs back and forth across my skin. "You shouldn't let it bother you."

I sighed. "I can't help it. I've never hurt anyone before and now I may be a murderer."

His lips brushed my cheek. "Mia," he started softly, "you were protecting your sister and yourself. Those men would've killed you if given the chance. You were disposable to them. They were just using you and you would've been a loose end for them to tie up and discard."

I could hear the anger in his voice and I knew he was right. I didn't expect to make it out unharmed today. There were too many risks. All that mattered to me was holding up my end of the deal to protect my sister and then trying to help Logan.

"You did what you had to do," he stated with finality.

I sunk into his strong arms, staying quiet. He held me against him, the silence enveloping us until he finally spoke again. "Why didn't you let him kill me?" he whispered through the dark and I could feel his heart pounding against my back. "You risked your life, why?"

I reached around to hold his hands against my stomach. "I didn't want you dead," I stated simply.

He pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder. "Why not?" He asked. "After everything I've done to you, why not take the opportunity. You said once that you would."

For some reason, the corner of my lip quirked and I turned to him. "And you said you would kill me alongside them if I tried. But I'm still here. I guess things have changed."

He took my lips in his and kissed me softly. His lips were warm around my own, swollen from sucking and biting at them earlier on. He lifted a hand to brush a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I guess they have," he mumbled. He pulled my body against his and slowly slid back into me, pumping his hips up in slow, languid movements. I moaned into the kiss, tilting my head back to rest it on his shoulder.

"Fuck," he growled into my mouth, "you feel so good."

He raised his hands to my breasts and massaged them gently while continuing to thrust into me. His pace quickened, and he moved a hand down to circle my throbbing clit. "Please," I begged him, curling my toes into the bed to ground myself. I bounced up and down on his solid dick, causing the bed to rock against the wall.

His lips moved to attack my neck, sucking on the bite marks that he'd left there last night. my breathing became laboured and tortured moans left my throat when he nudged against my g-spot. I reached up to grab the back of his neck, holding his face against the crook of my neck and threading my hands through his hair.

A long groan tumbled from Logans lips when I scraped my nails over his scalp and clenched around his cock. "Cum for me," he growled, moving his lips to my ear and biting.

I felt so full of him and he hit my g-spot with every powerful thrust, making me explode in his arms. My eyes rolled back into my head and I cried out Logan's name. He followed quickly, releasing inside of me while he continued to caress my neck with his lips. I slumped against him, my eyes closing as tiredness crept. He slid out of me, moving a hand down to run along my pussy, gathering both of our juices on his finger.

He brought his hand up and licked one of his long digits, humming in approval before moving another finger towards me. "Open," he ordered and I did as told, tasting both of us on his skin. The salty taste lingered on my tongue long after he removed his finger from my mouth. I sunk further into the bed, his arms still curled around my waist as I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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